"Just, don't kill my brother, okay?"

Start from the beginning

I nodded, suddenly not very happy but I had to defend my brother.

"Relax, Alex. She herself thanked Asher for trusting her as Asher didn't move an inch when she shot an arrow on the apple above his head."

"He didn't move?" Alex looked stunned.

"Yeah, why?"

"This arrow above head thingy is Rose's way of testing who is worth her heart and who is not. Every time, the people who claimed to love her, ran away when she asked them to act as aim. She eventually gave up trusting people altogether. If she did it on Asher, that means that she seriously wanted to trust him and if Asher didn't move, that means now, nothing can stop her from giving her all to him."

"Wow. That's deep." I breathed out and he nodded.

"I am happy that my bestfriend is happy."

We shared a smile. As if on cue, the love-doves came in, all flushed and embarrassed.

"A-Astrid, uh- s-sorry-" I squealed again and hugged Rose.

"You've no idea how hard Aiden and I were shipping Rosher!"

"R-Rosher?" Rose squeaked and Asher choked.

"Your ship name, duh." I rolled my eyes.

"So you aren't-"

"That was past, Rose. I am over that phase." I smiled as I pulled away. "Now. Now. Some ground rules- No PDA. No mushy stuff. No alone time in room. No-"

"Dare say a word after that and I will kill you." Asher threatened as I quoted him and Aiden from the lecture I got for Neal. I smirked.


I shrieked and ran for my life as Asher took off behind me. I jumped on the couch and dodged him by hopping off and running towards backyard as he followed me throughout the house.

Looking back, I don't even know why I felt so insecure of losing my brothers when I know that even if a million relation added to their lives, their relation with me will always be the most special one.

Only if I knew.



I rolled my eyes at Felix's reflection in my vanity mirror. He was leaning against a chair and scrutinizing me with mischievous green eyes.

"Are you?" I retorted while my makeup artist tried to do my makeup to make it look like I am not wearing it in first place. What does that even mean?

He shook his head and chuckled.

"For the record, I have had a few photo shoots before this. I am not at all nervous. But seems like you're."

"Well, sorry if I never posed in sportswear with my supposed arch nemesis because his jerk of a dad blackmailed me into it!" I bit back sarcastically but immediately regretted it when he looked away.

"I didn't-"

"It's alright, Astrid. I get it."

"You are done, mam. I will check and inform you if the set is ready." I nodded and the redhead excused herself.

Awkwardness suffocated me and Felix probably felt the same as he tried to excuse himself politely.

"Why?" I croaked out and he stopped.

"What do you mean, why?" he furrowed his eyebrows. I turned on my chair.

"Why did your father do this? I am sure you're punched by other people too. So, what grudge did he had on me? Why did he?"

He paled.

"A-Astrid, I h-have n-no idea-"

"We both know that you do." I pressed.

"I can't tell you. It involves me but it's not my place to tell you."


"No, Astrid. It will not only ruin me and you but also the people who deserve to be happy."

I hesitantly nodded. I was never the one to press and pry into someone's business. If I was, then Aiden and Asher would have disowned me for prying into their lives, Neal would have left me for forcing him to meet his parents, Alex and Rose would be hating me for asking too many questions about their past and Liam would have shut me out for intruding in his life.

A knock echoed in silence and I replied with a 'come in'. My dad and brothers entered along with Neal.

"You came." I smiled at Neal.

"How could I miss seeing my pumpkin in sexy sportswear?" he whispered as he hugged me. I immediately flushed.

"Go away." I grumbled and glared at his stupid smirking face when we pulled away.

"All the best, squirt."

"You will rock it, Astrid-bear."

Dad nodded and smiled, then cornered Felix to talk to him.

"And we will have to glare away anyone whose gaze wanders." I snapped my attention back to my brothers who were grumbling under their breath.

I laughed and pushed them off.

"Everything is set, mam and sir. Are you both ready?"

A blonde popped her head inside and I nodded my head while biting my lip.

"Chill. You'll be alright." Aiden wrapped his arm around my shoulder and shook me.

I smiled.

Let's get this over with.




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