Chapter 7

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Louis's POV: 

We were on the plane, Eleanor just finished calling her modelling agency with Danielle in the lounge room, Zayn, Liam, and Niall is writing songs, me and Harry are just sitting here watching football(Soccer).

"I'm sorry mate. About you adn Eleanor and all of this hate. She really doesn't deserve this." Harry turned to me.

"It's okay Haz. It wasn't you're fault. Eleanor may be my love but you'll always be my HazzyBoo." I said chuckling.

"Haha. You'll always be my BooBear, LouBear." He laughed.

Eleanor's POV: 

"It's okay El. You know they're just jealous." Dani told me. I nodded trying to sniff in a few tears. I know they can be mean and I know they don't mean it when it comes out their mouths but it just seems like it's so real..

"Let's do something other than crying over stupid little words." Me and Dani gave in a small giggle and we head towards the main seats where we found Harry lying down and Liam and Zayn returning from a different room.

"Where's Lou?" I asked as Dani sat on Liam's lap.

"Went to talk to Nialler." Liam answered.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Zayn asked. Harry patted a spot beside him with his wide smile. I smiled at everyone's kindness. "I guess.." I took my seat next to Harry.

"Wanna watch "The boy in the striped Pajamas?" Harry said.

Everyone groaned and me and Dani just laugh. "What's up with you and soft movies?" Zayn said.

He shrugged and turned on the movie

Louis's POV: 

I walk into our sleeping room to hear Niall drumming on his guitar, a nice up-beat song.

"That's nice mate. Might wanna put some lyrics in." I joked. He chuckled and patted a spot next to him. I sat down and sighed.

"What's the matter mate?" Niall asked. 

"It's just all this hate on Eleanor and stuff and I'm afraid that if she's left alone or something, she'll do something bad to herself. That's why I wanted her to go on tour with us so badly." I answered.

"Ahh. That. Well..The best way is to write it down and turn it into music." He said.

"You just want me to help you with the song, you lazy bum." I chuckled.

"Well.. that too.." He laughed.

"Ok well I'll just throw in some words.." 

"Alright same."

I thought for a moment and finally said a word that popped in my head by the thought of Eleanor. It was sad though but I didn't mind because I'll save her if I need to.


"Okay.. uhm... Light." Niall said.








We did this for another 30 minute until we start putting them together.


Have you guys figured out the song yet ? I'll give you guys another hint: A Princess's name.

Well good luck and stay tune ! (;




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