Chapter 15: Be On Your Best Behavior

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Pacing around the room seemed to heighten my nerves. It was sending me over the edge. I sat down in a squishy white chair by the window. The lack of movement soothed my nerves but it did little to calm my heart.

With each passing moment I was beginning to feel a pull on my heart from the distance between Dante and me. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on him. I thought about how his sweet, masculine scent overpowered my senses. I could almost feel the smooth skin from the back of his hand as he slowly brushed it against my cheek.

The only thing missing was the warmth flowing from his body to mine. Remembering the way his soft lips felt against mine brought tingles from my fingers to my toes. My mouth twitched into a small smile when I thought about the other morning. It was the first time he ever told me he loved me.

The memories were enough to give me the strength to pull on the dark green dress Johnny had brought me in a box almost an hour ago. I was under strict orders to be dressed and ready to go within the hour. I was having a hard time bringing myself to give in to his demands. I had to be strong, not for me but for Dante.

I didn't even bother checking my reflection before stepping outside the bathroom once I was dressed. I didn't really care if I looked a mess or not. Who was I here to impress? No one.

I took one last look out the window. Sunsets were my favorite part of the day. The brilliant pinks, oranges, and yellows that filled the sky brought me tranquility. For once today I was thinking clearly. No matter what happened tonight I had to be prepared for it. I couldn't let my anger get the best of me.

There was a small knock on the door.

"Are you ready?"

I turned around to see Tristan leaning against the doorway. I immediately thought about the first time I woke up in Dante's room. He was standing in the exact same position. Add a scar to his perfect face and grow out his hair. He could pass for my Dante.

"Yes," I whispered.

Tonight I was going to play nice. Hopefully he would stop being so cruel in return. This wasn't the Tristan I knew. Maybe I could bring him back. It was a long shot but I had to try.

"You look nice," he complimented. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was being sincere.

"Thank you."

"I would appreciate it if you could behave yourself tonight in front of the other Alphas. I don't want to alarm any of them and their wives."

I was right.

"They don't know about you and Walter?"

"Not yet. They think we rescued you from the rogues. Tonight we are going to discuss you giving your pack to me."

"I did not agree to that."

"I know. It doesn't have to happen tonight but they think it will happen soon."

"What makes you so confident I will just go along with your request?"

"Arianna," he tiredly sighed, "Just for tonight could you behave and at least pretend like you want to be my mate?"

"What will I get in return?"

"I will let you see your friends."

"Really?" I looked at him curiously.

"Yes. I will allow Hannah and Freddie in to see you tomorrow morning."

I thought it over. There was no way he would negotiate my freedom even if he hadn't drugged me. This was probably the best deal I was going to get.

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