42.0 Zero_Chapter 12: Intentions

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"Very well, let me hear it."

The guard spoke and the queen's glass fell to the floor.

"Is that true?" she asked. "But...how could that be?"

I zoomed out, having seen what I had wanted to. Everything was going according to plan. But then again, I'd never doubted that it would.

After all, I knew exactly who I was and that didn't leave much room for doubt.


I heard someone groaning beside me. I turned to see Lily slowly opening her eyes. She blinked a few times, trying to regain her bearings. Her eyes widened as she seemed to remember something. She looked at me.

"Kai! Why are you- where are- what happened?" she gasped.

"Calm down, it's all right. Everyone's safe," I said, flashing her a reassuring smile.

She wasn't convinced.

"But Zoe was...and Gale...and Amy and Runir..." she said.

"Like I said, they're all safe. Look over there," I said, pointing at the bodies lying next to her.

She turned to see Zoe sleeping soundly on the ground with a cloth draped over her. Her face was expressionless, indicating that she was not having one of the nightmares that had plagued her since her birth in this world.

Next to her sat Amy, her back turned to us as she gazed into the distance. She'd heard Lily wake up but hadn't said anything to her. In fact, she'd ignored me even as I rescued her from the trap she'd fallen into. It should have been surprising that a Goddess had fallen into such a simple trap but I knew better. However, that wasn't something I needed to worry about for now.

"Gale..." said Lily.

"Was rescued by the Goddess herself. Apparently Fate didn't stop her from interfering. I assume it's because killing a little kid wasn't a part of your plan."

"Right..I..." Her face paled. "I killed them...I killed so many people...I...I...destroyed a kingdom."

Can't let her fall into despair.

"No you didn't. It was Fate."

"Fate?" she said, somewhat hysterical. "Don't give me that shit! I broke the key even though I knew what would happen. No, I did it because I knew what would happen. I...I killed those people because I wanted to. I wanted to weaken the Alliance. I knew it would be a big blow to their military strength and a huge help to the Union."

"No, you wanted to help the oppressed laborers. They were living a life of slavery and cruelty. Wanting to free them was a good thing and that was your real intention, your real motivation."

"At the start, sure!" she cried. "But near the end, I could tell from Gale's expression that he was telling the truth. Freeing the laborers would destroy the whole damn country! A lot of people would die! But I did it anyways. No, I did it because I knew it would happen. I wanted to kill those people. I wanted to destroy the whole place. I didn't give a damn about the laborers or about getting revenge for Zoe."

She was crying now.

"I just wanted...to win the war."

If there was ever a time when I'd felt my resolve weaken, this was it. I'd chosen every aspect of my plan with care. I didn't doubt for a second that my plan was perfect; that it would yield the results I wanted it to yield. But I did doubt, for just a moment, whether it was worth letting Lily- one of my only friends in this world- wallow in self-pity and loathing.

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