Chapter 34 - Broke Tourist

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The bump on Harry's forehead is bright red. He keeps his eyes on the road but touches it from time to time. We wanted to make the most out of our weekend and had a lovemaking session that ended up with Harry falling off from the bed.

He has been quiet ever since, and I'm wondering what he is thinking.

"We can stop somewhere to have something to drink, and I can give you a pill for the pain," I suggest.

"It's alright," he mumbles.

"Are you upset with me?"

Harry glances at me before looking back at the road.

"No, not at all. I'm upset with myself," Harry says.


"Because I can't carry myself normally around you."

I have trouble stifling a giggle. In the past days, Harry has burned himself while cooking, stubbed his toe on a chair, missed a step of the little staircase and the nastiest of all, got a paper cut. The cherry on top of the accident sundae was falling from the bed.

"Those things can happen to anybody," I say.

"Of course, but they seem to happen too often to me," he says with a small smile.

I'm completely in love with him. Whatever little doubts I had before we headed to the beach are clear now. I'm in love with accident-prone Harry Colfield.

"Well, at least I feel rested. I will go back to work with energies and a bump on my head," Harry says. "Thanks for letting me drive. It has been a while, and I have missed it."

"Anytime," I say while taking out my phone.

I have some messages from Ellen with the weekend sales. Jesse did well, and I hope that there is enough inventory left in the storage to refill what got sold. Now that he is helping Eric, he has a limited time to work on his pottery.

I also have a message from Jesse. When I open it, I see a picture of him and Sierra with the caption 'look who is back.' He looks funny in the picture. His eyes are droopy, and his nose is red. Is he sick?

"Sierra is back," I say.

"Jesse must be over the moon. I have never seen him so bummed over a woman after she left," Harry says.

"How do you know my brothers? It just occurred to me I have never asked you."

"Basketball. I went one time to the park to shoot some hoops by myself. I didn't know anybody here in the village, and they were there. They invited me to play together with Juan. Many years later, we still do the same. We usually head to Juan's house afterward and talk shit while sitting on the porch and drink a few beers. That is how we became friends."

"That is sweet," I say. "And a predictable behavior from Eric and Jesse. They love to play and believe the more, the merrier."

"Sue, we need to talk..."

My heart races at the thought that he wants to break up with me. It makes sense; he has been distant since this morning.

"I don't want to pressure you, but I think we should move in together officially... Are you listening to me?"

"What... what did you say?" I ask. My thoughts are wandering and expecting the worst.

"I want to marry you, but I don't have money for a proper wedding. I want to save first for that, but you would make me so happy if you move officially with me."

"You want to marry me? Are you sure?" I say, feeling surprised.

"Yeah, after I pay my medical bills, I can start saving for a wedding."

I laugh, then my throat closes on me as a sob escapes. He wants me to be his bride. I smile through the tears.

"Sue, you are scaring me. I didn't want to upset you. Forget that I said anything, please," he says after parking the car next to the road. "I'm the master of putting my foot in my mouth."

"I'm not upset. I'm happy," I say, cleaning my cheeks.

"Really?" He says, cupping my face.

"Yeah. I accept to move in with you."

Harry grins and his eyes turn into slits.

"I promise you I will get you a lovely engagement ring as soon as I have some money. Maybe I can ask Simon for a shift at the restaurant," he says in an enthusiastic tone.

"I don't need a ring, Harry. I only need you. Look how happy we were this weekend with an embroidery set and a watercolor kit."

"I have been in love with you forever. Now that we are together, I still can't believe my luck."

We share a sweet kiss before starting the car again and heading to Clover Village. We go first to Harry's apartment... now our apartment to leave the stuff we used on the weekend. There is a pile of envelopes on the floor as he opens the door. He sighs as he picks them up and places them on the dining table.

"Aren't you going to open them?" I ask.

"No, they are probably more bills."

"Open them. We can make an overview later of how much the total amount is and figure a plan. I will help you, Harry. Now that we will live together, I want to contribute to the house budget. We will get rid of the debts as soon as possible."

Harry opens the first envelope as I make a small pile of laundry for later.

"No shit!" he says and falls sitting on the chair.

"What is it?"

"Two checks!"

"From your family?"

"No, from the food festival commission and the ranch's insurance companies. Only this one is twice my year salary," Harry says, showing the check to me.

"That is great Harry. You don't have to worry anymore," I say, putting my hands on his shoulders and kissing the top of his head.

"You also know what this means?"

"What else?"

"We can get married sooner."

Harry stands and embraces me, then brings his lips to mine. His thumbs caress my cheeks.

"I love you so much," he says.

"I love you. Soon I will be Mrs. Harry Colfield."

"I have a different idea about that. I want to become Harold Garnett."

A laugh escapes me, and I hug him tight. My lovely soon-to-be groom. Now let's hope that I can keep him in one piece until the wedding.

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