"Really? That's great baby" he halfheartedly replied.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just... I was planning to tell you something after the concert but I may as well tell you now that your here" his face was sketched with discomfort. Instantly my guard was raised for whatever he was about to reveal to me, whether it was good or bad.

"What is it?" Carefully he slid me off his lap until we were sitting side by side, turned into each other.

"Don't get mad" he warned.

"If you think I'm going to get mad, I probably will".

"Man I don't know how to say this" he scratched the back of his neck. "You know that night before we left for the tour?"

"The night you left me and got that awful tattoo? Yeah I remember. " I shot back, still not completely over that night.

"Yeah. Well basically I followed Kim out that night to a club she was going to because I thought she was seeing someone. And I found it fucked up how she said that we couldn't date when I thought she was. Then I saw her kissing this fucking douche Guerrera when I was in the car, and I lost it basically. I ran out of my car and hit him".

"You what?"

"And now I'm being charged because he claimed I pistol-whipped him. But the pistol was in my pocket not aimed at him or nothing". He said it with such ease. The words just rolled off his tongue like this wasn't a big deal to him.

"You own a gun?" I half whispered in horror to which I got a slow confused nod in reply. "And your telling me this happened what, nearly three months ago Marshall and your only just telling me now?"

"I know, I should of said that night". I stood up and backed away from him, wanting to be anywhere but this suddenly claustrophobic dressing room. For once in my life I didn't know what to say. "Cassie?" he stood up and approached me.

"I need to think for a bit" I mumbled before I raced out of the room and went straight to where I knew Zoey would be. We'd gotten close over the course of the tour and I needed to vent to someone, and other than a random staff member she was my only option. I quickly walked to D12's dressing room where she usually hung out, or wherever Proof happened to be. Luckily only they were in the room, the rest of D12 obviously giving them some privacy, not that I cared in that moment. "I need to talk to you guys" I barged into the room ignoring the fact that they were mid kiss.

"What Cassie?" Zoey whined pulling away from Proof.

"What's up?" Proof greeted slumping back into the couch, his arm laying across Zoey's shoulder.

"Sorry for interrupting it's just, Ugh!" I groaned. "He's fucking with my head! I don't know what to think".

"What's the fool done now?" Proof joked.

"More like what did you two do?" he raised his eyebrow at me questioningly. "He only just told me about what went down the night before the tour" I look of realization washed over his face. "And I know for a fact you were there with him".

"So he told you huh?"

"What are guys talking about?" Zoey piped up looking between us with concern in her eyes.

"Marshall apparently got into an altercation when he saw Kim kissing someone else and now he's going to court for it" I stated bluntly, resulting in Zoey's eyes widening in shock.

"It sounds bad, but lots of drugs and alcohol were involved Cass. He wasn't thinking straight and more than anything he was pissed because she said you two couldn't be together and then she was with someone". He calmly explained to stop my frustration from escalating, having experienced my wrath first hand. I sighed and sat in the armchair opposite them.

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