Chapter 2

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Edited by : Belovedjewel101

Cover created by : Simplebutawesome

Picture : Zen (Chace Crawford - hmm.. yummy)

Chapter 2

Scha sighed dreamily, as she thought about the lovely and romantic story she had just read. It was beautifully written, and the hero was really romantic—and willing to do anything to win the heart of his girl. How she wish she could find a man like that.

Do they really exist in this real world? She asked herself. If they do, she seriously needed to look very hard for him. She couldn’t seem to find any of them around here. Maybe she needed to travel around the world to look for him. He might be on the other part of the world.

“Scha!” Zen said from behind her. She jumped in surprise.

“One of these days you are going to give me a heart attack!" she said. He kept startling her like that, and she kept telling him not to. She liked him of course, but he was a stubborn man and kept on doing it. That really annoyed her. He was a good man—yet sometimes a very annoying man. She wondered whether or not she really loved him. He certainly wasn't like the men in the books she read—they always seemed to know how to treat a lady. (The men in the books that she liked, anyways.)

You’re late,” she scolded him.

“I’m sorry, traffic was really bad,” he apologized and snatched the book from her, “God, another romance story,” he teased. “What did the hero do this time? Did he sing a song at the balcony and send flowers to the girl? Or worse did he propose to her at the end on bended knees?” He had this broad smile on his face, which she also found annoying. If he read any books, which he didn't, she wouldn't tease him about them.

Scha frowned at him, while he continued chuckling, “When are you going to learn that this is just a fantasy, my dear Scha?”

Scha poked her tongue out and snatched the book back from him, “Well a girl can always dream,” she said, giving him an even bigger frown.

"Oh, come on, you know I only tease you because you love my marvelous sense of humor so much," he said, still wearing that big grin of his.

"Uh-huh, she said, without smiling.

"Well, anyway, keep on dreaming, and when you find the man of your dreams, tell me, and I will congratulate him. I will even throw him a party. All the other men can come over and shake hands with this incredible creature," he said.

 “Then what will you do? Will you try and be like him?” She asked.

"Well, of course we guys will all beat the hell out of him--for making the rest of us look bad. He will deserve it, for being a jackass," he stated and smiled.

Scha angrily stood up with the intention of walking away from him. He smiled sweetly at her and gave her a big hug. And when she knew he couldn't see her she smiled at his joke. She would probably do the same thing to the guy if she was him.  

But when she faced him again, she stopped smiling and pouted her lips at him.

“Aw come on,” he said and kissed her cheek, “I will treat you to your favourite ice-cream,” he grabbed her wrist and began pulling her towards the car.

He tickled her to remove the frown from her face. It always worked. She laughed and playfully hit him. She can never be angry with him for too long. He would always find a way to cheer her up.

Zen smiled looking at his best friend eating her favourite strawberry ice-cream laughing and smiling happily at him like a small kid. They had been best friends for as long as he could remember. They were neighbours and known each other since babies that's why they become closer and the best of friends. He knows her like the backs of his hands. He knows her likes, dislikes, and her dreams. He even knew that she dreamed of having a man in her life exactly like the one in the romance books she always read. A kind of man who is romantic, willing to fight and does anything for her. He knew she think he’s not one of them because to her, he’s not the romantic type of man and sleeps around with any girls that catch his eye.

Well he is romantic all right, but he’s not going to show her or any of his friends. He’s not going to show his soft side because he didn’t want his friend to call him “EMO.” He always has been the toughest guys in school and most of his guy friends look up to him what more, with him being the Football Captain and the School President, he has to be manly.  

Zen had been in love with Scha since high school and has kept it a secret up till now. He tried to show his feeling before he went to Oxford but she didn’t seem to notice, and when he tried to tell her how he felt towards her, she told him she understood and felt the same way too. She loves him as her best friend and forever they will stay that way; friends forever.  Since then he didn’t try again to tell her how he felt, but decided to just wait until she realized that he’s the one for her.  

They remained friends and kept contacting each other via e-mail and Facebook. When she completed her studies in Stanford last year, he offered her to work with him. Well the actual reason was to make her stay by his side forever. Now, they work as partners in their own company; SZ Advertising Ltd an advertising company. They became closer but she still hasn’t seemed to realize his feelings towards her.  

“Any plans for today?” he asked. She turned and looked at him grinning widely. He laughed wiping the corner her mouth, “You eat like a small kid,” he teased her.  

“I don’t have any plans,” she told him, “But before you decided to do anything today, I wanted to go to the bookstore and find a new book to read.”  

“Geez,” he rolled his eyes at her, “you’re not going to look for another love story are you?”  

“Is there anything wrong with that?” she snorted, “I like reading.” 

“Well there’s nothing wrong with that but what has annoyed me is what happens after you finish reading it,” he said and Scha gave him a questioning look, “Well you start to day dream and smiling dreamily alone like a crazy love sick puppy.” 

She glared and poked her tongue at him making him laugh, “Keep doing that and I’m going to bite that tongue one day,” he threatens but the real truth, he actually dreams of doing more than that with her tongue.

She playfully hit him, finishing her ice-cream and wiping her mouth, “So, what are your plans for today?” she asked when they both stood up, linking her hand happily round his and walked back to his car.  

He smiled pulling her close and kissed her cheek, “Whatever you wish to do my friend.”

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