chapter 2

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"Lilly!" I couldn't believe what I seen.

"Zay! Get out now!" she was bleeding, she's cutting again?

She pushed me out of her room and I fell into the hall way.

"Lilly please, stop!" I stood up and tried to open her door but she locked her door. I stated to panic, I ran down stairs and seen my dad and Martha watching tv cuddling.

"Mom! Dad! " I was panicking not screaming because this has already happened already she will cover it up and pretened to sleep.

"Zay no yelling in the house please." Martha looked at me.

"Lilly she's cutting! She.... She's bleeding and she's ughhhh " I was hicuping.

"Zay, Lilly wouldn't do that no please go to your room I asked you already to stop yelling." Martha is a real bitch sometimes.
"Dad please, " I was pulling him off the couch also pulling Martha up. I could tell she was not happy.

My dad finally got up and went to Lilly's room. Her door was still locked.

"Lilly? Why is your door locked?" I heard her moving around.

"Um... Hold on dad I'm changing I locked it because um.... Zay came in." my dad looked at me then at the door.

"Why zay?"

"But dad please believe me, that's not what she's doing." after about two minutes she opened the door in skinny jeans and a t shirt.

Its make up! I know it is, she was just bleeding, but how did she do it so fast? Damn.

"You look good lilly, were are you going today?" my dad asked.

"I was about to apologize for breakfast then ask you and mom if I can go to the mall will ally, April, and zay can go if he wants to." she smiled.

"Oh that sounds fun I'll talk to your mom about it princess." he kisses her head then went down stairs.

Lilly grabbed my arm then shut the door.

"What the hell Zay! It's none of your business what happens to me!" I look at her.

"Lilly I'm sorry.... I.... I was just trying to help, you are kinda my sister..." I looked at the floor.

"I know Zay, I'm sorry and thanks for looking out for me."she hugs me and barrys her face into my neck and shoulder. I hug back.

I know I shouldn't think this but she's so beautiful. I wish she wasn't my step sister. Then we could have a better relationship.... Oh I want that so bad, I really want to get to know lilly better.

"Hey lilly," I started

"Yea zay." she looked up into my eyes.

Oh I love how I'm taller then her, she's so short its adorable!

"Wanna go to the mall, and hang out or somethin?"  I smiled at her and she excepted.

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