chapter 1

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"Zay! Come on its time for school!" why!? I'm so comfortable so.... Warm, ugh.

I get up for school, "I miss mommy." I mumble to myself. I'm 7 years old, my mom died in a car crash when I was 6. So it currently happened. My dad still mops around.

"Zay you ready? You're going to be late." I look at my dad.

"Yea, I'm ready" we get in the car and we crash.

"Zay?..... Zay!" I'm being shook I open my eyes and it's Lilly.

"Huh? We're am I?" she shakes her head and sits next to me.

"Your ok. You were having the dream about the car crash again. Your ok I promise." she hugs me.

"Thanks.... So why are you in my room?" I hug back then I let go.

"My mom and your dad needs to tell us something, oh and I made chocolate chip pancakes." Lilly smiled and walked to my door.

"Coming?" she smiled at me.

"Yea I'll be down soon," I smiled back.

"Ok" she left.

I got up just in my boxers and I put a tank top on and swaet pants then I went down stairs.

"Good morning dad good morning mom," I smiled.

"Morning zay." they smiled and I got some pancakes and chocolate milk and I sat down at the table and started to eat.

"We have some news," Lilly's mom started to say.

"What? I wanna know mom!" Lilly said with a mouth full of pancakes then blushed.

"Lilly, please if your going to talk with your mouth full cover your mouth." her mom said and I can't help but laugh so did Lilly then said 'ok'.

"Were moving!" My dad said along with Martha. ( Lilly's mom)
I almost choked on my pancakes. "What? Moving? Why?"

"Calm down Zay, this will be good for us," Martha said.

Perfect! I'm finally fitting in! Were moving, Lilly finally started talking and smileing again.

"Why are we moving!?" I stood up, Lilly sat there in shock.

"Mom I finally made friends! I'm popular! I don't wanna move!" she was pissed.

"Lilly anhmyer! Go to your room now! I do not wish to hear your bratyness during breakfast." Lilly stood up so fast her milk spilt and she ran up the stairs. I heard the door slam and something fall off the wall.

"Zay what do you say about moving?" my dad asked me.

"Dad I would rather keep my comments to myself." I stood up and I seen Lilly's room and I listened threw the door, I heard growns and whimpers.

"Lilly?" I slowly opened the door.

"Lilly!" I couldn't belieave what I seen.

Woah Lilly what are you doing? 😝 well I hope you like this new book so far, I know its boring so far but it will get better I promise 😘

I love you!!!

Hailey 🙌😘😍  bye babes

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