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Lauren: "Potato! How are you doing? I miss you sooo much!! Please text me back with our code word so I know you're okay. Or call, calling is good too!" :*

Camila: "I love you boo :* I just wanted to let you know that Im thinking of you, and ask you to please text me back to let me know you're okay" xoxo

Normani: "Missing you like crazy baby! I cant wait to go home and cuddle with you, wear your sweaters and watch movies together. I love you"❤

Ally: "Hey there beautiful. I love you, and I'll be home soon. Just wanted to let you know that I miss you, and make sure you're okay. I love you beautiful" :)

Dinah: "If Im not there when you wake up, please dont be scared, make no mistakes. I'll be home soon, to sleep & cuddle with you. Miss you and love you babe" :* x

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