6} Amnesia

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"If one day I woke up with you right beside me, like all of this was just some twisted dream, I'd hold you closer than I ever did before. And you'd never slip away..."



Me, Heineken, and Niall exchanged glances after watching Zayn's painful outburst. I would've never done that to Corona. Especially around the kids.

Heineken was a cool kid in my book. He never meant to yell at his sister as he did in the car. And he said he thought all of us would be good enough to date Corona. But I was the one who wanted to do that the most. I know Niall and Liam were interested in her a little, but Zayn and Louis had no interest.

I was the only one who wanted to really get hooked with her.

She was just so beautiful. And caring. She was brave, and determined. She was giving a lot up just so she could provide for these kids.

"What's wrong with Zayn?"Liam asked while walking over, holding Brayden upside down over his shoulder. The child was giggling and pounding on his back.

"I dunno, mate. He got really mad at Corona for some reason. I didn't hear their conversation."I replied.

Louis looked at his watch."We gotta get going. School's about to start and Fort Lauderdale isn't as close as you want it to be."He informed.

Liam set Brayden down and I picked up Lisa. She started to play with my hair, giggling. Then she pried one of my eyes open. Thankfully she didn't poke it out.

"I like your eyes. You and Daddy Zayn have pretty eyes."She cooed. I cocked a brow.

"Daddy Zayn?"I echoed.

I looked back at the boys as we walked towards Corona.

She looked up at us and quickly wiped away some tears. "Daddy Zayn?"I repeated to her questioningly, wanting an answer. Corona stared at me and sniffled.

"I really don't want to talk about it..let's just say Zayn is making me go against everything I've ever learned."She grunted. I nodded and we walked back to the car.

I really didn't want to go back into the trunk. It's so dark and tightly packed. Corona opened the trunk and motioned for me to get in. She leaned in and smelled it. "Oh geez. It smells like something died in here.."She breathed.

"Something did die. My ability to stay in tight dark rooms without panicking."I stated grimly.

She looked back at me then crawled into the trunk."I can imagine..Alright, when we drop off the kids, we'll switch spots because you are currently wearing your uniform and I don't want you to wrinkle it or make it smell terrifying. No arguments. I'm doing it."Corona said as she hopped back out of the trunk. I nodded softly and sat down.

"You'll have to pop the trunk open when we stop because I can't hear anything."I replied, swinging my legs onto the black felt floor of the trunk.

She nodded and closed me in.


The car stopped, but I couldn't tell whether we were at our destination or at a red light. Then I heard a thump on the trunk. It popped open and I stared at Corona. She motioned me out."Time to switch. Get out."She barked.

I nodded and slid out, cracking my knuckles and neck. As I stretched, she plopped into the trunk. She was small, she had more space in there than me. I raised my brows in surprise. I closed the trunk and smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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