New best Friends

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Clem's POV

I woke up to the sound of Aj crying. Javier and Molly was awake too.

"What is it now Aj" I said while yawning. He maybe hungry. I got a can of peaches and fed them to him. I went back to de in savanna. He was cuffed to a water heater or something. And he was a walker, my heart shattered and just to see him like this will break me down.

Then the darkness is sucking my surroundings including me. Then it changes to the moment when he taught me how to use a gun and when he cut my hair.

The darkness sank in again and now I'm at the saint John's dairy. When Lee stopped me from eating MARK. And when Andy pulled me by my hair. That was a tragic day, one of the worst.

The darkness sank in and revealed the day I met Lee. That was my favorite day.

I wish Lee was here, but no matter what I do or say he'll never come back to me which was depressing.

Javier's POV

I was woke up to Clem crying in her sleep. I wonder what's she's dreaming about.

I went to go wake up Molly.

"What's the problem?" She groaned.

"It's Clem she's literally crying in her sleep I thought you would now what's wrong." I explained.

"Why in the hell would you ask me I can't read minds plus it's almost morning we should wake her up." Molly replied.

Clem's POV

I was woken up by Molly and Javier shaking me. When I got up I say Molly holding Aj. I guess we were about to leave. I grabbed my things, Javier and Molly did the same.

We were about to head out when...

"Hey Clem we need to talk" Javier said with sorrow in this eyes.

"Yeah it's about what happened this morning with you crying" Molly started.

"The question is that why you were crying, so spill your guts why were you crying?" Molly asked.

"I don't want to talk about it, it was just a bad dream that's all." I don't really want to talk about it cause it will make me feel more depressed than I already am cause Lee died but it was for me but I feel I was the blame for his death.

"Clem we need to know why or else we can't help you and stop the crying it only going to get worse ok" Javier stated.

"Guys did you hear that?" I said with worry.

It was a gunshot I wonder if someone is in trouble or worse killed. We started running and I was holding little Aj while covering his ears for further gunshots. We came up to a bit about my age shooting a woman what looks to be after child birth.

"Sorry to intrude but we heard the shooting and we came to see what's the trouble." Javier explained.

The boy was looking at me and Aj, he is probably amazed that he saw another kid his age but at Aj he seems rather curious. 

"Well that's none of you business, seen as though we just met." The man with the beard said.

"The name's Rick and over there is my son Carl." he said.

"Well we should go inside" Rick said. I saw his group go in the building, but the dude with the crossbow and woman with a samari sword.

"Before we can let you in we have to ask you 'the questions' first" Rick said.

"Fine go ahead" Javier said.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Crossbow asked.

"To many I didn't keep count" Molly said.

"How many people?" The woman asked.

"Two" I said.

"Me too." Javier said. 

"Why?" Crossbow asked.

"Trying to force me back to my original camp." Javier stated.

"One kidnapped me and try to kill my friend Lee and the other was my friend he was bit and he was getting worse so he told me to shoot him." I said trying to keep it together.

"What about you?" Rick asked Molly.

"Oh I didn't kill anyone." She said.

"Ok your welcome in and if you like you can join our group." We nodded in response.

"We should take the chance plus you never know when they'll need help plus we're welcome here anyways so..." Javier said.

"Yeah I agree what about you Molly?" I said.

"Yeah alright." Molly said.

Finally we're safe and now I have a chance to be with people and be safe for once.

Thanks you guys for reading and should I ship Clem and Carl cause I'm a real Carltine fan but I need an opinions so...
Don't forget
And follow

Gotta Blast

Saving A Life (TWDG Fanfic) Remastered.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora