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Friend: Are you sure what you did was right?

Me: Yes. I am.

Friend: But why? Why did you do it?

Me: Because I love her. I always had.

Friend: I know that. I knew it from the start.

Me: You did?

Friend: Yes. That's why I am asking you. Why'd you let her go?

Me: As I said. I love her.

Friend: I don't get it.

Me: I let her go because I love her. I wanted her love. Yes. I wanted it. But more than love, I wanted her happiness.

Friend: What do you mean? I don't understand?

Me: I wanted her to be happy and she was clearly happy with someone else. Not me.

Friend: So you just let her go. Just like that.

Me: Yes. And I was right. She was happy with him and she loves him. He too love her. That's why we are hear in the first place.

Friend: So you would do anything for her happiness.

Me: Yes. I would.

Friend: I pity you. Dude. You are whipped. You know. At first I thought that you will have that cliche love stories. Where the player fell for the nerd and the nerd fell for the player. And then after a sick drama they marry and live happily ever after.

Me: I know. I thought so too.

Friend: But, Fates being fates. They added another character and created a love triangle. Unfortunately, the nerd fell for the third person and the player was left with a broken heart.

Me: *nods but suddenly stops* No worries, though!

Friend: Why?

Me: Because if something was yours. It will come back to you. But if it doesn't come back, it wasn't yours from the start.

Friend: So, what are you implying at?

Me: I am just checking, whether something which is mine, or I hope so, I let go. Will it come back?

Friend: Okay. This is one of a disadvantage of falling in love. Your senses go down the drain. I mean you are sitting here, in a church, to attend the wedding of the one you love, to check whether the girl you fell in love with is rightfully yours or not.

Me: *Laughs with hidden pain in the heart of a broken heart* Yes!

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