Chp 2 : Sophomore year

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Austin's pov

I woke up and today was my first day to our sophomore year.I dressed up in a white tee and ripped jeans and headed towards breakfast.

But I regreted my decision I had a heated argument with my Dad and without having breakfast I got inside My Maserati and arrived at school, I had to meet the Principal as I was going on the way something bumped into me more specifically someone, she was staring at my chest .When her gaze met mine,my anger just got washed away I could imagine she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.she had long caramel brown wavy hair,her aqua blue eyes held calmness and her pink plum lips damn she is way too pretty.I got out of my trance and barked at her "watch your way bitch ". I think she was shocked at my statement but I didn't care at the moment so I headed towards the office along with Jake.

The Principal gave us lecture about how we treated our teachers in previous year and we left for our classes.I got in spanish class and saw our teacher having conversation with the same girl who bumped into me this morning.I sat infront of her,I think the girl who was sitting next to her must be Sophie who was telling her something about me good for her. A smile crept on my face as she was telling her about me,but I got angry when she told her to stay away from me.The bell rung and I slammed my books and walked out of the class and I found Jake leaning towards locker and with our other friends Cade,Jordan, Brenden and Cristian.Cade and Cristian are twins they can lighten up anyone's mood by their jokes I like that about them.

Next few classes went pretty well and it was our lunch break we headed towards cafeteria and sat on our usual spot.we were having our lunch,the girl from the previous class arrived with her friend Sophie and Cade spoke "Isn't the girl with caramel hair sexy " everyone nodded with agreement.she sat across our table and I was staring at her and our gaze met and I smirked, she averted her gaze and bit her lower lip,that just turned me on I just wanted to feel the sweetness of those lips on mine.I snapped out it what the fuck was I thinking she is just another girl whom I am gonna bang soon in no time,but she was innocent I didn't wanted to do that with her I wanted to cuddle with her.

I was confused and puzzled with the thoughts running through my mind and wanted it to come off,I saw Rihanna she would be the perfect distraction she was with her minions, she is the definition of absolute slut in our college, his dad is our Principal.So no one dared to say her anything,I grabbed her hands and pushed her towards the locker and kissed her senseless I had to remove all the thoughts that were getting fucked up in my mind and I saw Arriana moving past me and I closed my eyes as soon I moved away from Rihanna to breathe some air,Rihanna purred in my ear "call me when you are free" and swayed her hips when she walked in opposite direction.I looked to see if Arriana was around but then she was nowhere to be found.

I next got to my AP calculus and I didn't found Arriana there,she is not with me in this class and I was getting bored.The teacher spoke "Mr.Hemmings would you like to answer the next question "dripping sarcasm.I stood up and replied "Mr.Swift,I know the answer but I'm not interested in sharing the answer with you".Whole class erupted in laughter.

Austin's car black Maserati GT

Austin's car black Maserati GT

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