
Taking twenty minutes to get to Jade's place, Donovan is standing outside with Jade.

I wouldn't put pass of Donovan wanting to check me out before he lets his lady go away from him far away.

"Mañana Senorita. You know exactly why I am up at this early hour of the morning." He greets stern but in a playful manner.

"Mañana Senor. We are all going to be safe and you know that Dono. Besides, we are all big girls here and we can defend ourselves if in need."

"I sure hope so. You said you will be back five, latest six-thirty. Am I correct?"

"Si. You can phone us but I will definitely phone everyone to check in. Rest assured." I say reassuringly making him nod in agreement.

"Great. I'll see you later and you girls have fun. Not too much fun though." He warns us playfully and we all giggle in response.

"No promise there babe." Jade snickers. Donovan rolls his eyes, walking back towards the gang house while I continue the journey to Palm Springs.

"Good morning Carms and Soph. Glad to see your faces that I have missed." She coos.

"We have been quite occupied. I have things to tell you Jade! Too many things, right Sophia?" I say dramatically and in the rear view, I see Sophia nodding in agreement.

"Oh yes. Lots of things!"

"I have been looking forward to this." Jade says in awe as she lies down on the massage table, preparing herself for our massages.

"This is the only reason why we drive two hours. For her." I say to masseurs making them laugh.

"At least you keep coming back ma'am. That's a good thing."

Immediately the masseurs get to work and all you can hear is Jade's soft moans of satisfaction.

"Cállate! Es demasiado! – Keep quiet! It's too much!" I mutter to Jade. Sophia giggles and it's impossible to not join her.

"Oh whatever!" She defends. "Fill me in on what's happening?"

"Sophia, who should I start with?" "Whitney."

"What about that puta? What shít did she get up to now?"

"Now when I am around and it's time for Timothy to go home, he gets super emotional and causes a scene. I came unexpectedly and he made a scene for me in front of her. That pisseđ her off major. I came to calm him down and she acts all crazy. Jade, she fucķing touched me and dug her stiletto nails into my shoulder.

The puta knows that she mustn't get in my way but she dug her own grave. In a split second, I slapped the shít out of her. Louis was even impressed. So glad I was able to get that off my chest."

Jade gasps, gaping at me while I grin proudly at her. "Oh dios mio! No way! What did she say or do next?"

"I first calmed down Timothy and when I came back for him to finally go back home, she tells me 'I fucķing hate you. Just remember that' Puta left and I was kind of stupid to not say anything. Next time I must."

"Now I wish I saw that with my own eyes! Sophia, did you see it?"

"No. No one except for Louis saw it. When Carmi told us what she has done, everyone was surprised. Who thought she would actually do it?" Sophia answers.

"Everyone was impressed. That was the best thing I ever done. Last night there was more drama. You'll never guess who Soph, Liam, Zayn and I were hanging with last night."

Bad Blood // Z.M A.Uحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن