3.20 | Woman of Honor

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"And I am sorry my conscience called in sick againand I've got arrogance down to a science

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"And I am sorry my conscience called in sick again
and I've got arrogance down to a science."
I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me - Fall Out Boy


ADI THOUGHT SHE had been keeping her cool rather well.

But when Pan didn't return after the hours slid by, Adi felt tricked, felt her doubt and fear rising until they screamed. Did Pan not trust her? Was he in too deep, too obsessed with the power of the heart, to care what she thought anymore? Had he gotten sucked into the game he was so insistent on playing that he forgot why they'd begun playing in the first place?

Sighing audibly, she scanned the perimeter for the umpteenth time. Most of the boys were talking or climbing the ropes (she still had yet to win) or training with their weapons.

Henry sat a few feet away from her on the same log, watching the others. He had reappeared alone in a cloud of Pan's characteristic green magic, still asleep, not long ago. Adi supposed that meant Pan was busying himself with revenge — and she figured Henry had slept through his own kidnapping. That was, until Henry mentioned a strange dream about Neal stealing him away. Her mind struggled to connect the dots: Neal got away with Henry, Henry woke to speak with him, then was taken back by Pan and shoved under another sleeping spell.

"You've been right next to me the whole time," she had lied smoothly, swiftly. "If your father was here, I think we'd know."

Henry looked down, frowning. "Yeah," he'd said. "If he were here he would have taken me home by now."

Now, Adi toyed with the bowstring in her lap, zoned out when Henry said: "Ow!"

"So you're the kid Pan has been looking for all this time?" Devon stepped out from behind where they sat, his spear level with Henry's shoulder.

"Ask him," Henry said, disinterested. Devon took a swipe at him, and he leapt up in alarm. "Stop it!"

The general movement of camp halted as all attention focused on them. No one made any move to harm or help. Technically, Adi considered, she might be in charge in Pan and Felix's absence, meaning it would be up to her to quell the conflict, but she was more interested than concerned.

"If you can't take this, how are you gonna handle what Pan has in store for you?" Devon stepped closer, taunting Henry with a feral grin.

(Yeah, like Devon knows what Pan's plan for Henry is.)

Henry said nothing, just moved back. His gaze fell on a stick at his feet. Devon nodded at it, and Henry picked it up.

Devon lurched at Henry, wielding his spear like a sword. Henry fought back, catching the weapon against his own. It was easy to see he'd never had to fight anyone before from the hesitant way he tensed and jabbed. Clearly he didn't believe Devon had actual intent to harm him.

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