“So it’s partially my fault.” Yet again, he just shrugs. “Why didn’t you tell us she is your stepsister?”

“You’re the only person who I haven’t told.” He responds.

Wait, so does that mean I’m the last person to know? So he basically told everyone else, even Jeremiah about Tatiana being his stepsister and no one even bothered to tell me. I swear, no one tells me anything nowadays.

“So you’ve told everyone but me?” I question him.

He places his hand on my shoulder and nods, “basically yes. You’re the only person I haven’t told yet.”

“That really hurts.” I place my hand over my heart, showing him how much I’m hurt in a jokily way. “I don’t think we can be friends anymore.” A smile soon follows my dramatic act.

Nate squeezes my shoulder then moves the palm of his hand onto the middle of my back and softly pushes me towards the stairs.

“Where are you taking me?” Obviously he’s going to take me upstairs but why?

We keep walking up the stairs, “so I can lock you in one of the rooms and wait for you to starve yourself and die.” Nate says jokily. I fake a gasp but laugh in the end.

My spine suddenly feels cold once Nate removes his hand from my back. He walks in front of me towards his room- the same room he used to sleep in before he moved. He opened the door, and the fragrance of Nate whizzed into my nostrils. Just another whiff of this scent, I fo’sure would be lying on the floor right now- unconscious.

Nate opens the door much wider and steps aside for me to walk in. Taking a step inside everything still looks the same than the last 3 years I’ve been here. The bed is positioned in the exact same spot- opposite of the door, in front of one of the windows. I sit myself on his bed, bouncing myself up and down, feeling the cushion beneath my buttocks.

Wait, why did Nate bring me to his room? What is going to do to me? Oh my. I look up to see him still standing at the door, leaning on one side of the doorframe. “Why’d you bring me to your room? What are you going to do to me?”

He steps forward, closing the door with a kick and locks it. What on earth is he going to do to me?

“I told you, I’m going to lock you in a room,” he spreads his arms out, telling me, that he’s going to lock me in his room, “and starve you to death.”

I nod my head knowing he’s only joking… he is only joking, right? Of course he’s joking. He wouldn’t kill me even if he was on some sort of spell where he has to kill me. I don’t even know what I’m saying.

“I’m only joking, ya know. I actually want to show you something.” He pulls the string at the front of his shorts and takes a few steps closer. I quickly cast my eyes away from his figure and cover my eyes with both of my hands.

We all know what’s going to happen. He pulls down his shorts, show me his thing. Then things will just happen from there on, right? This has never happened to me before, so I don’t know how these things work.

I could hear him moving by the echoes his making with his feet. I squirm a little thinking he’s going to molest me or something, taking a peek through the cracks of my fingernails, I don’t see him in front of my anymore. I completely move my hands to see Nate standing in front of his table, opening the bottom drawer. Taking out, what looks to be like a photo frame?

He walks towards me and sit beside me. I take a small leap away from him. Who knows if this is just some act? Maybe when I’m more comfortable being in the same room as him, he might attack me out of nowhere.

Nate shoves the photo to me so it’s right under my nose. “Remember this photo?”

I grab the photo so I can take a better look. It was a photo of Nate, Adrian, Rob, Lisa and Adrian’s ex when we were at the beach the last time we went together. “Yeah, I do. It was like a month before you left for America.”

“Mmm, want to go to the beach again? We’ll invite the others. It would be like the good old days. You could also invite Jeremiah.” When he said about inviting Jeremiah, he seemed to… choke?

“Hey, I was meaning to ask you. Do you know who Adrian’s girlfriend is?” I don’t want to talk about Jeremiah. Bringing up his name always seemed to make things awkward between us.

He nods his head.

“What did he say?” I want to know everything this guy knows. Even if it’s something personal between Nate and Adrian, I want to know.

He just smiles and me, I just raise my eyebrows- telling him I want to know and this is no joke. “Adrian just mentioned he’s dating some Italian chick he met at footy training.”

Footy training, ay. Is that how guys pick up girls nowadays- go to training, expect a hot girl to be there and hook up? Wow, Adrian, wow.

“Is that all you know about them?” I stare at him intensely to see if he’ll crack or not. But he just nods and smiles. I guess there’s nothing else to it. “Anyways, it’s kind of getting late. I better get going.”

I stand up from the bed and walk towards the door. I walk myself out of the room. I’m guessing Tatiana is in her room, since there is One Direction full pumped up coming from a door which clearly says ‘Tatiana’s Room’ in big, bold writing. I walk down the stairs, past the kitchen and say my goodbyes to Sarah and Sean.

Just when I’m about to close the front door behind me, someone pulls it open again. “Wait, Ella.” The warmth of someone’s hand sends me tingles up my arm, down my spine and up towards my heart, giving me this nice sensation…

I turn myself around; “Yes?” you could hardly hear my voice over the sound of my beating heart. And I’m sure I could hear Nate’s too, unless that’s just my heart beating double the pace.

He lets go of my arm, and rubs the back of his neck, “Umm- I just wanted to say… Umm-”I wait for him to continue on. “I just wanted to say- goodnight!”

Was that all? But that’s so sweet of him to follow me all this way- down the stairs- just to say goodnight. “Goodnight, Nate. Sweet dreams, don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

He gives me a smile before I turn myself around towards my car, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He waves goodbye. Thank god it’s pretty dark; otherwise he would’ve seen how red I am.

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