Chapter 1.

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It's been two weeks since my last kill and i desperately  need to see a little vampire-blood-splashing. I bet the other guys at Squad 8 have something to kill. I don't like being the youngest slayer of the Squad. You pretty much get treated like that clueless, talentless, skilless kid which sometimes gets me thinking that maybe I am that clueless, talentless, skilless kid. But I know about the existence of these supernatural creatures called vampires, now don't I? So that pretty much qualifies as being non-clueless. And I've killed vampires and talent is needed for that so that makes me not talentless and I frickin killed a lot of vampies and that requires skill too so no, I am not skilless.

"Miss, Waters. Would you care to give your opinion what I just taught you," asked Mrs. Derk, our English Lit. teacher.

Mrs. Derk was your typical English teacher : hair always in a bun, glasses which sit perfectly right under the bridge of her nose and a loud, stern voice with a weird accent which sounds like a mixture of Irish, British and American (makes sense?) that makes it very hard to understand what she is trying to say.

"Uhh... You... Uhh."

Dammit! What the hell was she talking about? Dammit.

"Loser," scoffed some kid from the back of the room.

"Miss Waters, please pay attention. You are here to learn so I suggest you to do so," said Mrs. Derk with her hands crossed against her chest, leaning against her wooden desk giving me the most intimidating glare.

"Yes, Mrs. Derk. I apologize. Won't happen again," I say quickly bobbing my head in all directions (one of the things i do when I'm nervous) and trying to hide my now very red, embarassed face.

Why must life be so hard?
Ah, soccer practice. I like soccer even though everyone thinks I'm the weakest, thanks to my scrawny figure. I don't get it. I kill vampires and I run around a lot but I'm still scrawny.



But i guess I'm fine with it. I mean, the last thing I needed was people knowing that a scrawny kid like me was strong enough to beat up their asses (and kill 'em while I'm at it. But I wouldn't do that, of course.)

I get into the locker room and change into my jersey and shorts, pulling my hair up into a ponytail and as I was putting on my cleats, i felt a tap on my shoulder. No. Correction: I felt a blow to my shoulder.

"Must you always look this boring, Annie-ant?," said my best friend, Rebecca Kournikov or as i call her, Becca.

Becca has been my best friend and my partner-in-crime for the past 14 years ever since the day she and her family moved in across the street. Back when we were two. I don't remember any of it, of course, I mean I was two but Mom said that I've never looked so happy in my life when I first saw Becca and Mom told me that she once found me playing with ants and almost putting a handful of them in my mouth but Becca saw me and that was how the name Annie-ant came to be.

Oh, what great nicknamers we were back when we were two.

"It's a gift, Becca-bucktooth," I replied referring to the buckteeth she used to have back then before all the braces and retainers.

"C'mon, Anne. That was a million years ago," she said rolling her eyes and I just nudged her in the shoulder praying that she wouldn't do the same 'cause then I'd just fly off to China.

Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.

"So what are we doing later?," she asked as we made our way out of the locker room.

"I dunno. I gotta get a lot of homework done. Mrs. Derk isn't very forgiving when it comes to spacing out in class. How does she not expect me not to space out with the rate of speed she's saying those words? I bet people have given birth to at least ten babies a few times by the time she finished saying the word 'butterscotch'," I say to her while she's laughing her head off. Literally. It looks like it's gonna break off her neck, grow it's own legs and run away to Canada or something.

"Or I bet she's probably thinking about writing a book: 'Ways To Make Innocent 16-year-olds Fall Asleep In Class'". We both laughed at the thought of Mrs. Derk writing a book. Would she even finish it?

"Why don't I come over and maybe I could help you with your homework? And maybe we could do something after if we finish early."

"Oh, thank you!! That would be great!" I squeaked pulling her into a hug,"You're the best, Becs!"

"Waters! Kournikov! C'mon, girls! Not all of us have the privelege of being as slow as you girls!"

"Yes, Coach!," we replied in unison, jogging to our spots.

Alright, girls. As you all know,  got a game next weekend against Woodbrich High and since it's the first game of the season, I need y'all to give it all you got and maybe we just might make it into the District Tournament and y'all know that's a pretty big deal since we're considered the underdogs but I say the underdogs must rise! Whaddya say about that, team!?"

"YEAH!!" the team shouted back in excitement.

Man, making it to the Districts would be pretty awesome for us. Playing in the big field, wearing our school colours with pride and the crowd chanting our names as we raise the cup high into the sky...

"Anna!" I felt Becca nudge me hard on the side,"Focus!"

"Ow! That hurt!" I whispered to her rubbing my soon-to-be bruised arm.

I have the tendency to drift away a lot.

"Alright. Today's team captains will be... Annabelle Waters and Caitlyn Brooks," Coach Sanders announced and that snapped me right out of my reverie.

"Huh?! Say what now? M-maybe you made a mistake. M-maybe you meant to call out somebody else, Coach," I stuttered.

"C'mon, Anna. What're you afraid of? You can do it. Remember when I said that the underdogs must rise?"

Okay. Is today 'Teachers Humiliate Anna Day'?

Dammit. Why must life be so hard?


Hello there!

It's me again.

I am so sorry for not updating earlier. But I wrote a very long chapter to make it up to you guys :)

It's more of a filler chapter but fret not, more interesting stuff is coming your way. Next update will be super quick and early.


Stick around and don't forget to vote, comment and share :)


Damé out.

( ^ω^)

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