Chapter 21 - No Matter Where You Are

Start from the beginning

"With his wife..." He replied simply and the princess pouted. "And his daughter back on Berk." He added, pouring more salt into the wound as Ruffnut elbowed him.

"We're not here to cause trouble..." She stated. "We're just here to keep a promise we made."

Idris frowned. "To who?"

"Geillis Rydderch..." Snotlout announced and everyone gasped.

"The psychic?" Idris asked and the riders nodded. "What kind of promise?"

"The kind of promise that has us taking her back home to Caledonia..." Tuffnut declared and the people of Ruthin began to whisper and chatter.

Alun stepped forward and shook his head. "Nope. You can't do that..."

"I think we can..." Eret remarked. "You can't keep her here against her will. She's not even from Wӕlisc!"

"We know that...but we can't let her go just yet!" Idris stated as Geillis revealed herself.

"What's going on?" Geillis questioned, her eyes falling on the dragon riders. "You came back?"

"Hiccup made a promise...did he not?" Snotlout stated and she nodded, peering around them.

"Where is he?"

"Back home...on Berk..." Eret stated and Geillis smiled, crossing her arms and nodding slowly.

"Does this mean you found his wife and sister?"

The riders nodded, thanking her for her help. "We also found out Mordred was a traitor..."

"You could've warned us about that, by the way?" Tuffnut snapped and Geillis frowned at him.

"I told you to be careful of the company you keep!" She replied sharply, before Idris cleared his throat.

"Is it true you told them that you wanted to leave Ruthin?" Idris asked her and all eyes fell on her.

She nodded, her hands going to her hips. "Caledonia is my home. I want to go there! Madog is dead! I am free to return."

"You killed my uncle!" Alun cried and the riders gasped, their mouths falling open in shock as Eret frowned. "You killed him and took all of his money!"

"You forgot to mention that part!" Eret spoke quickly as Geillis frowned.

"I thought you said you loved him?" Ruffnut asked as Geillis glared at her.

"I said I respected him. Madog wasn't abusive or mean to me and he knew my situation was a dire one and he never took advantage of that. We had an understanding..." She explained. "I didn't kill Madog. They're saying I did because he left all of his money and land to me."

"And why would he do that? I am his heir!" Alun snapped as Geillis turned to him her arms crossed.

"Maybe because you tried to assault me on more than one occasion, you scabby bassa!"

Eret looked at Alun who was glaring at Geillis. "You spiteful bitch! How can you accuse me of such derogatory things?"

"Maybe because their true, you numpty!" She cried. "I didn't kill your uncle and you know that. He left everything to me because he knew how you treated me and he didn't think you deserve a single coin for all of those horrible things you did and tried to do to me!" Tears had formed in her eyes as Idris groaned. "You are a vile man and he knew that. If I didn't know any better, I would say you actually had something to do with his death to get his money and land!"

Ruffnut leaned towards Eret. "This was supposed to be a simple rescue mission! Not a land dispute and murder trial!"

Eret stepped forward. "Look...I think we can work this out!"

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