chapter 26- mouse hunt

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I have washing work so I washed my clothes and take them to terrace to dry it. in terrace I saw some one stand and smoking I can see his backside. it was long open terrace for colony people so some neighbors come. I started my drying work the guy guesses someone presence he turn and start the conversation with me.

the guy: hi! are you living here?

I turn and look at the guys face I didn't see him before so I not wish to talk with him being quite I do my work.

the guy: what? you deaf!

I give him a angry glare.

the guy: ok! I am Rajiv. I am new tenant here. nice to meet you

he told and give his hand for shake. i didn't give my hand so he back off

the guy: I like it. I like your stubborness!

I finished my work and move down not giving any importance to that new guy.

I went to another block to get NANO from uncle. I brought him and tied him outside of home. I get inside home to study because my exams are started. I opened my room door there I see the most unwanted dirty enemy. I take the weapons and move to. attack !!!!!.

I can't sit in office anymore because my unlucky past tortured my mind. when lunch time come I got permission and run out from there. while I am driving I need to concentrate in other things. so i think about her at the moment I feel relaxed. if it's some others they went to bar, club,or roam around the city to getting relaxation. but I am not I don't know why I want to see her face and hear her blabbering it makes my heart and mind relaxed. if it is possible!

now I am in outside of home. I see NANO tied I bend down and touch his head and I remember how she bring him hear and our fight and kiss. I smiled myself and get up to go inside. I saw her in the hall she coming backwards. I didn't move I stand there so she hitted me with backwards. when she turn to see me I ask

VIREN: what are you.......?
(she stop my talk closing my mouth with her palm.)

I look at her she signalled me to not talk and then I look at her closely. she stood in front of me like she went for some war. those Saree she wear in this morning now it's rumpled and held her waist one side. her hair is little messed and she is breathing hard like she did some push ups. she hold mob stick in other hand and she try to hear some noise.

REENU: did you hear?

VIREN: what!

REENU: the creeping sound!

VIREN: (i didn't hear any sound so I shook my head as NO!)

REENU: I thought the sound was coming from kitchen! I am going to kill him today.

she told and make her way to kitchen. I also follow her to know what she was searching for and who she going to kill. she searched all cupboards and drawers in kitchen but she not find it and I ask again

VIREN: what are you searching for?

REENU: the dirty fellow! he bite my notes! and windows curtain.

VIREN: oh God! who are you talking about?

REENU: He! the dirty little MOUSE!

VIREN: what?
( I can't control my laugh I burst out a laugh)

REENU: ( he was laughing I am not seeing his laughing face before so I stared him and then it clicked he laughs on me) stop it!

VIREN: oh God! REENU! why you strain much if you give one call to pest control they come and clean the home. (I told and touched her angry nose tip mockingly).

REENU: hello! Mr.millionaire! I am not like you I am from middle class! I do my work on my own.
it is my home why I allow another person in.
I am military man daughter I kill them with my hands no need others help.( she told with her head high like she fight for our nation)

it's true what she say is all true. till now she takes care of this home alone. she not ask any help from me. she is middle class it was the difference from me and her.

'she was beautiful but not went any parlor to raise it!'
'she was slim and fit but not show her fitness in wearing modern dresses !'
'she was happy in her surroundings and neighbors but not went any club's!'
'she was study hard to get her goal but not ask others help for it!'
suddenly I heard she was shouting

REENU: again he get into my room. I am going to kill him today!
( she told and move to her room)

VIREN: REENU! no wait!

I told and follow her. she get into her room I also inside now. she kneeled down and search under the bed. I also did but nothing is there. she stand I also stand I don't know why I did that but I have to see how she going to kill the mouse. I did what she did to tease her.

at last when she finished her searches she sit on her bed I also seated beside her. she look at me confusingly!

REENU: what are you doing?

VIREN: mm...I want to see how you going to kill the mouse!

REENU: you teasing me! (she angry now and stand from bed)

VIREN: no! I want to know how you going to do?( I also stand)

REENU: wait and watch! how I going to kick the black dirty fellow! you can't guess what I do...........!

on her blabbering I guess something mischievous why not? let's try?

VIREN: the mouse!


VIREN: near your feet see down!

(when I finished she jumped and hug me tightly I am not expected this)

she hugged me tightly now my heart is beating fast. I have some smirking smile on my face. afraid of mouse she hugged me when I was near her. I hugged her back because it's our 'first hug' I want to stop this moment. I close my eyes to feel this moment my hands touched her waist which is naked. it's soft and smooth I am not touching anyone like this before, she is my first touch and her skin also so soft. I put my head inside her hair and inhale it 'strawberry' I love it. I don't want leave her quickly but I can't resist her now this hug make me do something!

I hugged him being afraid but now I am afraid for the hug. I don't want to leave now this warming hug keep me happy. his touch in my waist make me to clutch him tightly. his breath in my hair told to not move. I don't want to move if I move I only go to my bedroom and lock it myself. oh! no I am in my room only what I can do I can't hide myself so I hide my face in his chest. I hear his heartbeat it's like melody song. I don't want this dream to stop if I open my eyes. suddenly he move his hands upwards in my spine. I feel some tickles in his touch. he make me move from the hug. he held my face with his palms. my mind told 'no REENU don't open your eyes!' but why?

so I open my eyes to see his eyes it look me with love!. he loves me! Dadi words echo in my mind 'one day you see love in his eyes'. he leaned in again I close my eyes to show my acceptance!


where this sound come from oh! no! someone ringed the door bell. I opened my eyes pushed VIREN he dropped in bed. then I set my dress correctly! and looked him he seated in bed pull out his hair its not time for our talk. again door bell ringing so I go to open the door

REENU: yes! come in!

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