Chapter Two

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Sasuke hated school. He hated people, he hated everything, especially his older brother. Now, unlike most brother to brother relationships, Sasuke absolutely despised his older brother Itachi.
When he was only seven, his parents were murdered right in front of him, by non other than Itachi Uchiha.

Now, enough depressing thoughts. Sasuke should be getting ready for school.
The raven haired boy slipped on his usual black skinny jeans (basically all he had, other than one hideous pair of blue jeans). His shirt was dark blue, that complimented his eyes very nicely.
But Sasuke didn't give a single damn about that.

Getting ready always went fast for the raven boy. No one hogged the showers and other things most families called annoyances, because Sasuke lived alone.

He didn't mind much actually, he rather enjoyed the peace and quiet.
But where he was going was the opposite, and that put him in a bad mood. Not that he's ever really in a "good" mood.
The last time he was in a good mood, was when he lost his stupid fangirls in the hallway, after a big game of "annoy -Sasuke-to-go-out-with-me-untill-he-wants-to-freaking-kill-himself"


First class for Sasuke was math.
It was widely known across the area, of his advanced scores on the last exams.
Or, really any exam. Sasuke was quite the young prodigy.

"Alright class! Welcome. Please feel free to do whatever you want while I take roll."
The teacher proclaimed.

Sasuke took out his book and began reading. Flipping the pages with grace, and a face of determination (that was just simply his reading face),it felt like the entire class was looking at him. Or rather, the girls.
Which he knew to be true since they always seemed to follow him around like dogs.
Extremely irritating.

Without warning, a sudden voice began to boom from every loud-speaker in the room. No doubt it played in all the other classes too.

"Could Sasuke Uchiha please come down to the office for a little while?"

Sasuke's face shifted to uncertainty, as he pondered the reason he was called up.
Why did the office want me? Of all people?
Sasuke never did anything bad, in fact he practically blended in with everyone, not wanting to be seen.
The perfect student.

Maybe they have news.
What kind of news though.
Maybe about Itachi?!

These thoughts rang in his head over and over, oblivious to the fact that it was holding him in his seat long after the announcement was made.

"Um, Sasuke you don't need my permission if that's what your waiting for. Go on up"
The teacher said, confused why Sasuke was still in the classroom.

Sasuke would have turned red from embarrassment, but he could never let anyone see him like that.
He was an Uchiha, part of a strong clan that never backs down or gives up. It was Sasuke's job to give his family honor when everyone was "away" for the time being. 

All eyes curiously peered on him as he stood up diligently to leave the class.

God, do these people have no life?

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