Sad (Sammy)

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  My ex, Dylan all of a sudden texted me that read 'Hey will you do me favor, I am going out with Natalie and my friend Sammy needs a date, can you be it?' See, Dylan and I are still friends because it was mutual, but why me? 'Why me?' He then texted back, 'You need someone and he seems to be good for you' I had nothing else to do, so why not. 'Fine, but you owe me.' 'Of course.' I then got ready to go on the weirdest double date I have ever been on. I then went to the mall and saw them. The guy next to them must be Sammy. He actually is pretty cute.
"Hey (y/n)."
"Hey Natalie, how has it been?"
"Good, this is Sammy."
"Hey, so your (y/n)?"
We then went into the movies and it was a scary movie. I love scary movies I was happy to see that is was what we were watching. Sammy looked at me confused.
"You like scary movies?"
"Yeah I absolutely love them. They are so interesting how different they are in torture. Cough Cough well.... it isn't that girly huh?"
"No I think that it is brave of a girl and cool. TBH with you I am scared of scary movies no joke I have trama."
I was surprised that he admitted it.
"Really? Well I could hold your hand if you are."
He then chuckled and said that it would be nice. As we went in and through the movie I didn't know Sammy was that scared of scary movies. He held onto me, he acted exactly as Natalie and I thought Natalie was the worst, but he beat her by a lot. I kind of smiled it was kind of cute and I saw him. Oh shit he is looking at me he knows I was looking at him. I started blushing and he went to my ear and whispered.
"Hey do you want to leave to have those two be alone?"
"Sure, are you sure you aren't saying that just to leave?"
He chocked and shook his head no. We gave them an excuse and Sammy took me to an ice cream shop. We talked a lot and I started to like him even more. He just got ice cream on him and I start to laugh and then he rubs it off and put on my nose. It was hilarious. It was now getting late
"Hey (y/n) wanna ride home?"
"Yeah thanks."
"No problem."
He smiled then we left. 30 min later we got there.
"(y/n) I really had an amazing night with you, can I see you again?"
I started blushing and we got each others number. I decided to be bold and I kissed him then left the car. I could tell he was smiling. It has been a month and then we went to the amusement park. it was the end of the night and we went on the carousel.
"(y/n) I really like you and will you be my girlfriend?"
I kissed him and said yes.
2 months later
I went to his house and his friends were there and I said hey and obviously he was drunk, I hate how he is when drunk.
"Hey babe did you come to keep me satisfied?"
I was pissed that he was treating me this way. I actually came to break up with him even when not drunk he was being a dick and I was tired of him saying sorry.
"Actually no, I came to do the opposite."
his friends were like oh.
"Bitch, why the fuck you here then?"
they said louder oh.
"To break up with your sorry ass."
They then screamed ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, He was shocked and I left. I was actually moving to the UK to be with my dad. (your dad lives there because he is in the military and he is going to be stationed there for about 6 years) It has been about 3 months and I met Joe. Joe is a famous youtuber and I started dating him. About 6 months from moving I see Sammy.
"Sammy what are you doing here?"
"I found out you lived here and I came to apologize. I got my act together and I love you so much and I want to still be with you."
"I am sorry Sammy, I can't."
"I am dating someone else."
"Why not break up with him to be with me?"
"No, I love him Sammy and I don't love you, I am sorry."
He started crying and I started walking away and that was the last time I saw him.  

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