"And everyone in the crowd."

Jenna laughs and jumps off the bed.

"And that too. You know what? I want a nephew. That would be sick."

You laugh and get off the bed.

"Let's go meet up with the boys?"

Jenna grabs your hand and drags you down to the lobby.

"Are we walking?"

Jenna nods and you two start walking to the stadium. You hear Jenna going on about how Tyler won't wear the elbow pads she gets him because their not "cool" enough. You're lost in your own thoughts so you just nod and smile.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you okay?"

You look up and Jenna and nod your head.

"Yeah! Why?"

"I just said Josh is pregnant and you said yeah."

You sigh.

"I can't wrap my head around that there is a living thing growing inside of me. A human being. That will talk and walk one day. Are me and Josh even ready to bring a child into the world? He's touring right now and it's just the beginning! Am I ready to have a child? Is Josh ready? Jenna this is terrifying. I just want to be a good mother. I don't want to fuck it up somehow. I want Josh to be there for our child. What am I going to do?"

Jenna grabs your shoulders and turns you towards her.

"(Y/N). You and Josh are prepared for this. Trust me. And you will be bringing a bring and amazing child into their world, trust me."

You smile and hug Jenna.

"Let's get to the stadium now."
                   *****Time Skip*****
"Okay. They are on the song before Tyler stops the show."

You put on all the little hands and Jenna writes

"I A M P R E G N A N T"

On your hand. The "I A M" on the tiny hands and "P R E G A N T" is spilt in half on your hands. One half is on your left and the other is on your right.

"Jenna go out on stage with me."

"Of course (Y/N)."

You hear Tyler stop the show and talk to the audience. You hear him tell Josh to get off his drums and stand in the middle of the stage just as you guys planned.

"Let's go (Y/N)."

You and Jenna walk to the stage but wait before you go out.

"Now Josh. There is a surprise for you."

You take a deep breath and walk out onto stage with your hands behind your back. Jenna walks beside you and hands you off to Josh before going to Tyler.


"What's going on (Y/N)?"

You hold up your fingers that read

"I A M"

"You're sick? You're moving? I'm lost babe."

You laugh and open the palm of your left hand with "P R E G" written on it.

"Wh-(Y/N). You have to be joking."

You open you right hand and finish the sentence.

"I A M P R E G N A N T"

"(Y/N)...I'm going to be a d-dad?"

You nob and smile. Josh picks you up and spins you around. You see Jenna and Tyler smiling like dorks.

"Oh and if you all didn't know what happened well Josh and (Y/N) are going to be parents."

You hear the crowd erupt in screams and cries. Josh smiles and kisses you passionately.

"I am the happiest in the world right now."

You laugh and wipe away some tears falling from your eyes. Jenna and Tyler soon pull you both into a big hug.

"I am really happy for you guys."

You and Josh both thank Tyler and you walk off stage with Jenna. As soon as you both get off stage Jenna tackles you in a hug.

"See! It wasn't that bad!"

You laugh and nod.

"It was amazing."
I found out my sister is having a baby girl so I wanted to write this.
Hope you enjoy!
- Bryleigh

Josh Dun Imagines (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant