Part 8

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The first official day of Uni wasn't actually as bad as Liam thought it was, Harry has been in his 6 year old mode for 4 hours now. Liam placed his feet up on the sofa next to Harry and chuckled as he watched him, his eyes were glued to the DS screen in front of him and thrashed it around in the air. I mean come on man waving it around in the air isn't going to make you play video games any better!

Harry put the DS down and crawled onto Liams lap, he wrapped his arms around him and Harry nuzzled into him.

"So LiLi have you got your eye on any one yet?" Harry asked whilst wriggling his eyebrows, Liam rolled his eyes and chuckled

"No-one at the moment" He replied, Harry just shrugged his shoulders and looked at the TV. Liam looked at the TV and noticed an advert on for a club..

"Tired of boring lectures at Uni? If you are then come visit club Bounce'n'Boom! For this night and this night only we are letting everyone go in for free!Grab your friends and Go!Go!Go1"

Harry quickly jumped up and smiled at Liam showing off his dimples

"No" Liam said sternly, Harry pouted at him and Liam looked away knowing that he always fell for his puppy face. Harry jumped on Liam so that he was sat on know.. and looked at him with big eyes. He leant his forehead against Liams and pushed his lip out further.

"Hey you guys wanna head to that new clu... shit sorry," They both snapped their heads towards the door to see their neighbour, Niull, Liam thinks his name was, standing in a door frame. He stared at them with wide eyes

"It's okay I was just trying to convince LiLi to come to the club but now he has to so let's go!"Harry explained whilst jumping off him.

"Yea let's go!"Zayn chirped, wait when did he get here??


Louis sighed as he flipped the sign on the tattoo shop door to show that it was closed, ever since he saw Harry sat on Liam's lap smiling and laughing with him he had been feeling really down. He didn’t know if he was right but he’s pretty sure that he is with Liam. I mean if he is I can’t blame him Liam is one sexy mofo.

Louis couldn’t believe how attached he was to this boy already; I have only known him for like 2 days. He shrugged his black trench coat on angrily and stormed out of the shop, when he got outside he realised it was raining and he turned the collar up on his coat. He was about to kick a lamppost when his phone went off, he pulled it out of his pocket and read the text.


Yo get your ass down the new club down the road from the shop, i got some new friends ;)

He sighed and rolled his eyes, he walked into the tattoo shop, threw his trench coat on the door and reapplied his eye liner. Maybe going out wasn't a bad, he could use someone to take his mind off Harry if you know what he means.

When he reached the club he saw that Niall wasn't outside so he gathered that they were already inside, trust him to wait for me. He walked into the club and was surprised that there was no bouncer, when he was inside he headed straight for the dance floor knowing that Niall had already got drunk and would be there.

He spotted Niall and walked over to him but wished that he hadn't, Niall was grinding against Harry and Harry suddenly turned around so that they could kiss. Wait rephrase SNOG Niall. He pushed past all the people and ran back to their dorm...

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