XIII: Kara, Katan and Kenobi

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On second thoughts, reflected Darth Ember, this chandelier probably wasn't the best hiding place. If the chandelier didn't give way, and if it didn't swing, and if he didn't move too much, and if no-one looked up, and if the three Jedi, his sister or the half-Togruta didn't notice him, he might be able to remain undetected until the end of the journey.

He had no such luck. As he shifted slightly to the left, the sheer weight of his armour tipped the light fixture by a whole lot more than he had anticipated. Grasping for purchase and amazed at his own stupidity, he fell off the chandelier and onto the floor, to the alarmed gaze of around fifty hostile enemies.

Good job, Drew, he told himself sarcastically. Good kriffing job.

He woke up what seemed like days later (but was probably only hours) with a headache like a hungry rancor and a pair of unimpressed azure eyes narrowed at his face.

It was the Togruta-human from earlier- the one he couldn't kill. What exactly was wrong with him? He certainly didn't want to kill her now, even if he could; some kind of bindings held him to the rather comfortable bed, at least by his standards. Sith accommodation wasn't really focused on comfort by design.

"I'm fairly sure Dark Side eyes are meant to be yellow," the female stated after a pause, her half-formed markings just visible against her face, an amber colour somewhere between light and orange.

Drew Kenobi was too dazed to answer coherently, instead replying with a quick-witted groan. His eyes weren't yellow? That wasn't a good sign... for his Dark Side, at least. All he manages to express aloud is, "They blue?"

The young teenager nodded. She was about a year younger than him, and unbelievably beautiful; awe-inspiring azure eyes, honeyed skin, soft brown hair...

She isn't impressed. "Quit thinking about me and answer the question, why don't you?"

"What?" he asked, bewildered. "I- how can you-"

"Name?" she demanded, businesslike.

It felt strange, but the first word to leap out of his mouth is "Drew." Followed immediately by "Um... You?"

Even to him it sounds incredibly idiotic. He cringed as she gave him a look he immediately crowned 'The Look.' "Kara." she replied after an awkward pause. "Don't even try it."

"Try what? I- I wasn't even going to try any-" but she was already gone, disappearing elsewhere as he sensed the ship pull out of hyperspace. Desperate for more information, he glanced around, only to see the older, leading Mandalorian woman from earlier, heading straight for him with a medpac in one hand and a blaster in the other. He knows what's going to happen next.

The truth.

When she came near enough, Drew called out to her. "Mother?" The name was bound to his childhood memories of her, now fading like the moon at dawn, and somehow it was right to him.

Almost immediately she turned, watching him out of the corner of her eye, and walked to him.

"Tell me about my real mother," he beseeched her, the dull ache finally taking shape inside him. "Who was she?"

Bo-Katan looked him straight in the eye, a steely look coming over her features. "Your mother was the Duchess of Mandalore, before the Deathwatch and... well, before Maul. The short story is, your precious master killed her for a grudge against your father, right after she had carried you. The long story isn't much better."
The hard look melted, and the veteran sighed. "She was a great leader, a loyal pacifist and the best sister one could hope for."

During the speech, his eyes had remained shut. Now they were open, and burning this time with unspent fire. "I'm going to kill him."

It didn't take a genius to realise who he spoke of. Bo-Katan only replied, "I'm going to help."


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