Chapter 2- Lets Crash It

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Readers POV

  I walk through the crowded hallway with Sam. As the B lunch bell rang signalling it was time for our lunch. Sam and I walk outside to waiting for Malix and Jack. "I can't believe Mr. Adams did that to me," I say, "I mean Joe Sugg! Jesus that guy is such a douche!"

"Y/n chill please someone is gonna find out we are back here," Sam says not really wanting to hear my ranting.

"Fine," I say but the rage boils up again, "he won't even help with the project!"

"Y/n!" He snaps, "what the hell did I just say."

"Sorry but I swear I'm so pissed," I say.

"Why are you mad," Jack says as he and Malix walks up to Sam and I. 

"Adams partnered her up with Joe Sugg for our next project," Sam says.

"The leader of those assholes and I have to fucking work with him sorry if I'm pissed," I say.

"Y/n," Malix says. I sigh and then look at the ground.

"You're right," I say. Sam grabbed the metal ladder from the ground and leaned it against the school.

"Ladies first," he says. I move out of the way and wave Jack in front of me.

"You heard him Jack," I say.

"Hey!" He says.

"I'm just joking," I say as I hoist myself up on the ladder climbing to the top. Once I get on the roof I slide back to my spot and pull off my backpack. The others follow suit and claim their spots. Me at the corner, Jack on my left, Sam on my right, and Malix in front of me. I pulled out a bag of chips and handed it to Jack.

"Nothing for me?" Sam whined.

"Here," I say throwing him a candy bar. I pulled out four sodas and three more bags of chips. "Happy?"

"This is why we are friends," Sam says.

"Yes blue berry this is why we are friends," I say as I ruffle his bright blue hair.

"I told you never to call me that," he hisses as he pulls away from me.

"Awe blueberry," I tease, "you don't enjoy the nickname?"

"I will throw you off the roof," he hisses. 

"No you won't," I say, "and even if you didn't I would die soooo..."

"You're right if I did I would have to pay for my own food," he says.

"Hey guys," Jack says quietly, "shut up."

"Why," Sam says lowering his voice.

"I think those preps are down there," Jack whispers.

"Oh," I whisper. All of us quit talking and listen to them. From how we could hear it. It seemed as if right below us was a group, led by Joe Sugg. I peak over slightly to see the group known as the "buttercreams" This group consisted of Joe Sugg, Casper Lee, Mikey Pierce, Josh Pieters, Oli White, Jack Maynard, and Connor Maynard. Aka the worst of the worst.

"Ugh and Adams Partnered me up with that freak," Joe complains to the group of guys as they sit at one of the senior tables. Regardless of the fact that they all of them are juniors except Connor.

"That bastard," I hiss.

"Shh," Jack hushes me.

"Hey but she is kinda hot for a freak," Connor says to the group.

"Totally shag worthy," Jack Maynard says as he tosses something at Joe, "I mean I bet she's kinky as hell. Totally daddy issues."

"And you could totally hook up with her," Josh teases.

"Nah I bet she's crazy possessive,"Casper says, "you shag her once and she'll think you're like married."

"Oh piss off all of you," Anyways are you all still going to mine on Saturday for the party," Joe says.

"Definitely," Oli says, "but their better be drinks."

"Of course," Joe says.

"Hey guys come on Zoe is waiting by the fountain for you guys!" Alfie says. They follow him away as we duck back behind the wall of the roof. Looking over my friends. Jack places his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asks, "that was really rude."

"It's not the first time someone has said that about me," I say as I move his hand off me, "for some reason I get hella sexualized for no reason."

"Still," Sam says as he looks back down, "you shouldn't"

"They're assholes okay. Just ignore them," Malix says as he opens up his bag.

"I know, I know, but you know what would be great?" I ask them.

"What?" Jack says innocently.

"Let's crash their party," I say, "I mean we know its at Joe's house. And there will be free booze."

"Let's do it," Jack says excitedly.

"I'm down," Sam says as he dumps the crumbs of his chips into his mouth.

"Malix?" I say as I look at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine," he groans.

"Great Saturday you guys come over to my place and I'll get Amanda to tell me his address," I say.

"Alright," Jack says, "Can I drive?"

"Not in a million years," I hiss, "I love my car. And you are an awful driver."

"What! No I'm not!" He whines. 

"We need to leave guys," Sam says as he grabs his stuff, "now before Mr. Jayden reaches our ladder."

"Fine," I say shove my unopened soda back into my bag along with my chip bag. I walk over to the ladder and climb down as quickly as I can. The others followed down then Sam moves the ladder to a hiding spot. As we get back inside the school I pull Jack into a hug and ruffle his hair. "See you later dork," I say.

"See you after 6th period!" He says as he walks off to the freshman hallway.

"Bye y/n" Malix says to us. I wave to him as he leaves to. Leaving Sam and I. We start to walk towards our 4th period.

"So any ideas for your project with Tyler?" I ask him.

"He said we could talk about it later," Sam says.

"Oh," I say, "Hey remember skate park tonight."

"Well of course," he says as we sit in the back with our only other friends Daniel Howell and Phil Lester.

"Hey losers," I say to them.

"Oh hey guys," Dan says as he stares down at his phone playing some game with Dragons.

"Hey y/n! Hey Sam!" Phil says happily.

"So how's the worlds cutest couple doing?" I ask. Phil blushes intensely as Dan chuckles.

"We're good," Dan says as he looks away from his phone, "the average. You know. Watching anime and playing video games."

"Yeah," Phil says.

"Although he's a cereal thief," Dan says, "but I guess thats what I signed up for."

"I like cereal," Phil says, "its not that big of a deal."

"Hello class," the teacher says as she approaches her desk, "get your books out, page 364."

Time skip brought to you by hel- I mean high school

School was finally over, the loud bell signaling our freedom until 7 the next morning. Still I could finally hang out with my loser friends and get away from these stupid preps. Jack eagerly goes to the driver side in my car. As Sam and Malix get into their cares. And just as I was about to climb in to my car. I heard someone screaming my name.

"Wait! Y/n wait!" And when I turned around I saw something I couldn't believe. 

I Can Turn Good Boys Bad // Joe Sugg x Reader EXTREME EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now