9. Step One - Sorry

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"Lindsey!" I holler when I see her sitting in a booth towards the back of the bar.

It's more of a classy bar, with fancy lighting and decent food. It's a good place to go on dates because it's quiet and intimate. It's definitely not where you'd go if you're hoping to get sloshed, which is something I don't do anymore.

"Hey, girlie!" she greets, as she stands to give me a giant hug.

I'm not really a touchy-feely type person, but her hug is so warm and caring that I actually wish for it to last a tad bit longer. I never realized how badly I needed a friend in my life until the day she spilled coffee down my shirt. Instant friendship.

"You okay?" she asks me once I've gotten seated across from her. I look at her for a moment wondering why she would think something's wrong.

"Yeah... " I answer hesitantly. "Why?"

She gives me a look that I can't quite decipher. "Well, your messages started getting really weird when we were talking earlier," she explains.

Messages? What messages? And then it dawns on me. My entire body tenses up and my blood begins to whirl as it surges inside my veins. Veins that suddenly feel much too small for the increase in fluid volume.

"Oh no... What did he say?" I groan as I try to hide my panic. It doesn't work.

"He?" She quirks a brow at me.

I bang my head on the table, leaving my face smashed against the cold surface. "I accidentally left my computer at Trevor's place," I mumble into the wood. I glance up to see her reaction.

A small 'oh' forms on her lips and understanding twinkles in her bold, blue eyes. She starts laughing, and I refuse to join her, seeing as how none of this is actually funny. I sit up, crossing my arms over my chest as I wait for her to get the hilarity of the situation out of her system.

"You're going to have a little surprise for you when you check your messages later then," she blurts out once she's calmed down slightly. She's still smiling as she wipes her eyes.

"Please just tell me what he said," I finally beg; the suspense is killing me.

She chuckles to herself a few more times and then gives in to my pleading eyes with a sigh. "Fine," she says with a smile. "So, after you told me that he looked like a 'studmuffin'," she says, pausing and using air quotes.

I rub my hand down my face in humiliation, but she ignores my reaction and continues on, "even when doing something as monotonous as lounging in his chair while staring daggers at you, I replied by saying that one of those daggers must have lodged itself in your brain because most people don't compliment someone who's threatening their life."

I laugh, remembering her saying this, and I don't deny that she is correct. Complimenting your potential murderer is quite stupid.

"That was pretty much the end of our conversation because you didn't respond for awhile," she goes on. "So, I went to take a shower, and when I came back there was a whole heap of messages that you had sent. All of them praising Trevor for... his gentle spirit." She starts listing things off with her fingers. "And superb sense of humor; and his yummy body, and yes, he did use the word 'yummy', which wasn't actually funny at the time, but now that I know he said it..." She pauses while shaking her head in amusement."Anyway, he went on and on talking about his silky locks; abs of steel; scent of seduction; lips of passion; skin of velvet - which made me really confused because what were you doing touching each other? Seriously, I think he even gave his leg hairs some kind of sexy adjective. So, I decided I needed to see what was going on between you two for myself, which is why I invited you here," she finishes with a blinding smile, evidently proud of herself for remembering all that.

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