chapter 2 - we have to flee

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We now were on our way to a city. Emily had said that this would be her first time to come in a city.

I was nervous like hell. I was already gone for a day and I guessed that my parents already had said that I was missing. The villages around my city would already be full of posters with my picture. Everyone would already be looking for me right now.

Maybe even the police!!

God...maybe even the army....

“Jake, is something wrong?” Emily suddenly asked.

I woke from my thoughts.

“Well....yeah. It is. I think I have to tell you something.”

Emily looked at me with her eyebrows raised. It looked funny, but I shouldn’t laugh at this moment. What I would do was tell her the truth.

I took a deep breath.

“I run away from home. I was fleeing for my parents. the village we will arrive soon...maybe....maybe they’ll recognize me.”

For a few seconds, she just stared at me. Then she nodded.

“If you still want to go to the village, I could always protect you from the police.”

She said it with concern in her voice, which made me smile.

She would stand up for me.

“Well, let’s go then. If someone recognises me, we leave immediately, okay?”


*2 hours later*

Emily’s POV

We walked for like two hours. It had been so much fun! We played a game which Jake called ‘tag’. It was amazing! I had never heard from such a game!

After two hours, we started to see little cabins. This meant that we were approaching the village nearby. At least, that was what Jake said.  

A few minutes later, I saw houses made of stone and the vegetation from high trees was decreasing.

I saw gravel paths and walked on them for the first time. These things I was seeing were extremely amazing! Everything was so different from the nature. Almost everything was made of stone or wood.

I thought about it and then realised that stone and wood also were included in my Magic. Wood belonged to the Nature Magic and stone belonged to Element 2, earth.

It really didn’t sound logical, but because I possessed the powers of the Earth, I could also form/move/throw stone.

I decided to tease Jake a little and let, without him noticing that it was me, a few stones from the gravel path flow. One by one, I let them be thrown in Jake’s direction.

“Oi! Who did that?” He exclaimed.

I had to suppress a laugh.

“Did what?” I asked innocent.

“I just got smacked on my head by a rock! Grrr, the coward who did this should reveal himself!”

I giggled.

“Why are you laughing?” He asked. He was angry, but confused. Hahahaha…..

I stretched my arm in front of me, with my  palm facing upwards. Because of this movement, a few rocks flew through the air and stayed still, hanging in the air.

It was hilarious to see how Jake looked at my magic with disbelief in his eyes.

It was quite normal for me, it was just letting some rocks float.

Emily Dragion (Fairy Tail fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu