Chapter 18: Not you

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I grabbed the tray of food for the both of us and began walking out towards the room once again when I saw a shadow appear from the hallway in direction of the kitchen. I tensed, more because I didn't want to cross anyone. My nerves raised and I had stayed paralyzed where I stood with the tray in hand until the shadow came towards the light and I discovered it was Itachi in front of me. I relaxed.

"You scared me." I said with a smile.

"Sorry." He said. "That wasn't my intention."

"I was going to bring some food to the room." I commented, walking over to his side but he grabbed my arm.

"Why don't we eat here?" He asked me strangely before devouring my lips with force and suddenly I felt scared. So much so, that I tried to separate him from me.

In the end, I had to do what I didn't want to do: place a clay bird between us and blow it up. Seeing it, Itachi was able to react and step back as to not get hurt by the small explosion.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, still scared.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Deidara?" He asked me. "Sleep with an Uchiha. Well, I crave you at this moment."

"Yeah, but not me." I said, getting annoyed. "You're being weird." I told him.

"No, I'm an Uchiha, Deidara. When are you going to get it through your head that I get what I want and you know what I want. It cost me a lot being nice to you these past few days, so I want my reward and I want it now." He demanded as he got closer to me and grabbed me again.

"Let go of me." I said. "You're all the same, you're just like Sasori. You only try to be nice to get what you want."

"Yes, Deidara. What did you think? That an Uchiha was going to stoop so low to fall in love with a bitch like you?" He asked me as he smiled. "Relax and this will be over quick." He said.

At first I thought there was something weird about him, as if this wasn't Itachi or as if my eyes were lying to me. He placed his hands on my ass, placing me on top of one of the tables and getting on top of me to block my movements. At that moment, he kissed me forcefully and I hurt him by biting him. That's when I discovered that it was him because he activated his Sharingan as he got annoyed and I instinctively closed my eyes to avoid their effect. Closing my eyes would seem to maintain myself safe from him, but in reality, it weakened me even more because I couldn't see him. I could only feel his touch and I didn't want to open my eyes for fear of finding myself on that cross Kisame told me about.

One of his hands grabbed at my wrists while the other touched my entire body and I felt panicked. This was not Itachi from that other time, he wasn't sweet and nice, he was simply like any other member from the organization that had very clear what they wanted: to enjoy themselves without caring about what I felt.

How could I have confided in Itachi Uchiha? It was the only thing that came to my head. I thought he was different. I had trusted him and now it was very clear that I should have trusted nobody, not even him. I let myself get fooled like an idiot once again and now it wasn't my body he was hurting, but my heart. It bled, it tore itself with every lustful touch from Itachi. It cracked with every possessive kiss of his, it tore to pieces with every dirty word or insult he said to me. How could I have switched from hate to love so fast? I would never forgive myself for that and I assured myself I would never commit the same error. He should have killed me when I asked him to though, now I knew why he didn't do it: it was for this day, to do what he was doing to me.

I felt how he lowered my pants and to be frank, I didn't care anymore. If at first I felt like fighting him, now I didn't feel that necessity. Besides, if I did anything, he would hurt me even more. So I simply laid there, keeping still like a lifeless doll because with every gesture he did over my body, he took a bit of my life. It didn't matter to me anymore, I preferred to let him be, to do what he wanted with me and if possible, to have him kill me when he was done.

I was so scared, very scared and when he entered inside me, it hurt as if they were ripping me in two. I tried not to scream but it was impossible; it hurt too much not to. Tears rolled out of my eyes, sliding down my cheeks without notice. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't impede them from escaping. And I knew it was my fault- I was here because I should've never trusted anyone. I was here because he had brought me here, and I was here because I fell in love with that emotionless bastard. To me, there was only to wait and pay for my errors, but I wouldn't commit them ever again. I swore to myself over and over again with every penetration from Itachi, that I would never fall in love and especially, with an Uchiha. I hated their clan, I hated all of the Uchiha. I'll never pass through here again; I'll never let an Uchiha play with my feelings.

My body began to relax when I felt him speed up inside me. I knew I was bleeding, he was destroying me with every movement and I couldn't avoid the pain. It didn't matter if I was tense or relaxed, I simply wanted to faint then and there. I thought of anything, but the only thing that came to me was Itachi's smile, it was the only thing that calmed me and gave me happiness. It was ironic how the person that could give me peace and calmness was violating me at this very moment! I didn't want to open my eyes in any moment and when he came, he pulled out of me and left me there telling me how I could return to his room whenever I wanted. As if I would do that! I didn't want to go back to any other room, I didn't want to be in Akatsuki. I just wanted to leave this damn organization and as I laid there on that table under the obscure room, that's all I thought about. I wanted to escape!

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