OUT FOR BLOOD - CHAPTER 14 - Vampire Drama

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I have fun hanging out with Noah. We haven't done that in such along time. We had a quiet dinner at a restaurant and went to a movie. I am still worried about Jaden going to see his parents tonight and I plan to call him as soon as I get to the privacy of my bedroom. I think maybe it was immature of me to freak out earlier and run back home. Jaden may be my first relationship, but I am eighteen and certainly old enough to deal with it like an adult.

I actually miss him right now. I mean, Noah is fun to be around, but with Jaden I feel alive. Being with him, I feel different than I have before. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings earlier.

Noah and I get home after the movie and are walking to the front door of the house, when grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop. "Before we go inside, Catalina, I just want to do this." Noah strokes my cheek and kisses me lightly on the lips. I just stand there, frozen. I guess he gains encouragement from the fact that I'm not pushing him away, because he wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss. I kiss him back. I am attracted to Noah, but after kissing Jaden, this kiss just doesn't compare. I stop kissing him because I need to let Noah know that it can't happen again.

As I start to pull back, I hear tires screeching. I look out towards the street and see a black Audi R8 speed by the house. An Audi that looks just like the one that Jaden took me to the vampire club in. Shit!

Noah can tell by the look on my face that something is wrong, "What is it Cat?"

"I have to go Noah," I tell him. I get into my car and drive out the gate. What have I done? I didn't even really like kissing Noah. If I hadn't already kissed Jaden, I think I may have. I'd rather have been kissing Jaden. He is probably so pissed right now. And hurt. He goes to his parents and tries to find out information on my familys' murderers and I go out on what is practically a date with my best friend and kiss him at the end of the night. I feel like such a major bitch right now. I need to tell him that I don't want Noah. That the kiss was a mistake that won't happen again.

When I pull into the parking garage that's connected to Jaden's building, I see his black Audi. Good, he's here. First, I go up to my apartment and see that he isn't there. Then I take the elevator down to the floor below, where I found him standing in the hallway with that Jessica woman.

I knock on the door that he was standing in front of. No one answers at first and I am about to try the next door, when the door opens. A blonde woman says, "Can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have the wrong apartment. Do you know which apartment Jaden lives in?" I ask.

She smirks, "Yes, actually I do."

That's when Jaden walks up behind her and says, "This is where I live Catalina." Jaden has red lipstick smeared on his mouth. I look at the woman and see the same shade on her lips. Then, I notice the fresh bite marks on her neck and run to the elevator before they can see the tears that are coming.

When I push the button it opens immediately, thank god. I step inside and push the button, with my head down. As the doors are closing, I look up and see Jaden standing right on the other side of the elevator doors, staring at me, with an intense look on his face.

So much for him not seeing my tears.


I made her cry. I shouldn't feel guilty, after I saw her kissing Noah, but I do. Catalina has been hurt a lot in her short life and I just added to it. What do her tears mean, though? Why is she crying? When I saw her kissing Noah, I had thought that I had lost her for good. That she had decided to reject me because I'm a vampire and be with the human boy instead. I was angry and hurt, so I asked Rebecca to come over.

OUT FOR BLOOD - Vampire Love and RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now