Just a lil Something

Start from the beginning

I put her right in her place and in a lil bit she surely will find out bout my man.


Idk who tf Nicki thought she was talking to but it wasn't me and Ima make sure she knows that. And I don't no why meek agreed with her but I will find out soon and now I just wanna go take a shower and start my questioning. So now that where home I'm going to take my shower and then the questions will begin.

Nicki POV

Fah think she Rey pop off I feel it and Ima beat her ass if she try so after I took my shower I packed a bag. Now I'm on my way to one of my best friend's house Hasmine (ik y'all remember Hasmine 😂😂) . I walked straight into her house because I have a key dats my bitch. So when I walked in she was on the couch watching lhhh

"So bitch I know dat u see me"
H- Heyy baby I didn't even hear u come in. Wyd here
"Girl Fah ugly ass was acting dumb asf and I didn't want to beat her ass in front of my baby"
H- O yea I don't want my nephew to see that and I earlier I called that hoe earlier to see what her ugly ass was doing and she said going home to meek
"Dat bitch crazy thinking my man wants her like bitch stop"
H- Y r y'all two not just together Nic
" Cuz when he started messing with Fah we where on a break and I was messing with Kevin but I dropped him cuz he was boring and light skin you no I like chocolate"
H- Well when is he finally gone drop her so y'all can be together openly
"O I got a plan....See I'm gonna...."

Meek POV

Yo Fah really wildin she getting on my fuckin nerves yo like Im really Rey leave. She yelling bout why I take up for Nicki and all that shit. She really won't stop like shut tf up. So I called Papi down and were about to go to my moms house cuz I can't anymore.

"Pap come on we Rey leave"
P- Where we going Dad to find Mommy
" Nah pap but We're leaving come on"
P-Ok can I go get my iPad n charger
"Go head pap but hurry up"
F- So u just gon run like a lil bitch huh Meek

I slammed her into the wall tf she think she talking to
"Don't ever call me a bitch"
F-Wateva Meek get off of me
"Shut up "
P-Dad I got it
"k come on pap"

I walked out that house and slammed the door. When I got in the car I called Nicki to see where she was. When she answered I heard her laughing.

N-Hey baby
"Hey where you at"
N-At Hasmine house I'm staying here tonight cuz ur pet geeking and I ain't wanna do nun in front of Papi
"I feel you baby but we Rey go to my mom house rd"
N- Ok I'll be over tomorrow
"K baby I'll call you later"

So I'm pulling up at my moms house .
And my sister car here. So me and Papi went inside.
"Hey mom hey ugly"
Mk-Hey my baby where's my grandchild and my daughter
"Pap went to go look for den and Nic with her best friend "
Mk- Ook but Ima go find Papi
N- who tf u calling ugly big head
"Wow now u come out"
N- Shut up I was with denim
"O Papi with her "
N- You already no
"So where tweet "
N- with one of his ugly ass gfs
N- They ugly doe fr
"Rd but I'm Rey go take a nap"
N- rd bro talk to you in a lil bit

Nicki POV

So Me and Hasmine have been watching videos all night. Now I'm about to make dinner cause I'm hungry .

See momma taught me and Hasmine how to cook but Hasmine doesn't like cooking

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See momma taught me and Hasmine how to cook but Hasmine doesn't like cooking. Every time I come over she wants me to cook her some like girl I cook all the time when I home what makes you think I wanna cook here too. But I love dis girl so I'll do it for her.

H-So Nika when u gonna bring Papi over again
"I'm going over to Mama Kathy tomorrow you can come with me he's there "
H- Bet girl you know I'm going
"So r u ready for dessert "
H- You no i am
"Rd let me go get it"

H-So Nika when u gonna bring Papi over again"I'm going over to Mama Kathy tomorrow you can come with me he's there "H- Bet girl you know I'm going "So r u ready for dessert "H- You no i am"Rd let me go get it"

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H- See Nika you never let me
"Girl of course not"
H-This is delicious
"But you knew"
Rd come on Has we gotta go to sleep so we can wake up earlier So we can go see Papi and We can talk more about my plan

So if u haven't noticed yet. Hasmine and Nicki are Sister also best friends. I'll tell more about the plan in the next chapter. And Fah doesn't no that Hasmine and Nicki are sisters nor friends but she'll find out soon and the plan may start next chapter....or not. Also Fah started the friendship with Hasmine. But Hasmine knows that Meek and Nicki are together. So there is Hasmine,Chino, and Nicki.

Global Daay❣💋❗️

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