An Unfortunate Meeting

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Iris laughed bitterly, "I guess you don't know what the word 'kind' means! Now, can I continue on my way, or not?"

Regulus shook his head at the girls behavior. To think, one of the only reasons they stopped her was to help her out and keep her safe... "We just want to make sure that you're pretty, little face isn't hurt." Iris scoffed, but he ignored it. "Hogwarts has some bad witches and wizards roaming around and if you piss off the wrong ones, you can get hurt."

She could tell that he was referring to himself and his friend, but Iris couldn't care less. She could hear the threat in his voice, not to mention the wand still pointed at her throat, and she was far from being frightened. "Thanks for the advice, but I can handle myself," She gripped Regulus' arm that held his wand and dug her nails into it. "Against bad wizards, but I appreciate your concern."

It didn't seem possible, but Regulus' and Lucius' glares hardened on her as they tried to close in on her further. Before either boy could even try to threaten her again, someone cleared their throat. The trio turned to the person who interrupted them and found Sirius Black glaring at them. Regulus and Lucius sneered back at him, but they both backed up slightly from the red-head and glowered at Sirius.

"If it isn't my brother," Regulus rolled his eyes. "Are you looking out for your precious girlfriend here? But you're not one for commitment, are you?"

Sirius glared at him and approached his brother. Sirius was older than him by a year and was able to hold a slight height advantage over Regulus. He leaned over his brother to try and intimidate him even the slightest bit. The Black brothers have held a hatred for each other ever since they were little, and now that Sirius had caught Regulus leering over Iris, his hatred seemed to sky rocket.

"Just leave her alone, Regulus." Sirius growled and pulled Iris away from the two snakes, "if you don't, you'll have to deal with me." With that said he wrapped his arm around Iris' shoulders and started to guide her away from his brother and his friend. Merlin, what he would give to get rid of his brother from his life!

Iris allowed herself to be guided away from the snakes by Sirius and found herself appreciating what he did. However, she was certain that she could hold her own against the boys. "I had that under control, you know." She spoke up when they turned the corner.

Sirius snorted as he tried to calm himself down, "I sure you did, love." He then flashed her a charming smirk that he hoped would cause her to swoon, "I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to save a gorgeous princess from my demon brother's wrath."

Iris scoffed at his words and turned away from him as they made it to the door of the Great Hall. She didn't want to admit that she found his actions... sweet. "I don't need a knight in shining armour, Sirius." She huffed, "I am perfectly capable to help myself." She unraveled herself from under Sirius' arm as they entered the Great Hall, she flashed him a saucy expression, "but I'll let you know when I need your help for something else." She sashayed away from him and left him watching her go with a love sick expression. He certainly noticed that she swayed her hips more with each step she took. Merlin, she definitely knew how to play with him.

Iris plopped down at the table next to Marlene and began to fill her plate with food. She pretended to ignore the glare that her twin was shooting her and munched on some toast innocently. "Good morning, everyone." She finally turned to Lily who was glaring at her while Iris smiles cheekily. "I hope you had a nice wake up call."


The beginning of the second day of classes moved along smoothly. There were no interruptions during any class and, because of that, Iris found the day incredibly boring. She suffered through Charms and History of Magic and had a hard time trying to stay awake. Those classes proved to have no entertainment for her and she could really only attempt to entertain herself by bugging Lily.

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