Chapter 3 - Mysterious Murder

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I woke up with strange faces staring at me. My awakening sent a ripple of murmurs across the crowd of people in front of me.

There was a clatter of footsteps in the distance and I held my breath as a large, bulky lady marched in.

She looked like a nurse, she acted like a nurse, she seemed like a nurse, but there was something about her that seemed.. different.

Then, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks.

The memories came pouring in as if they were fighting to remind me of last night.

Pain. Fear. Murder.

And...Lola. Wait. Lola.

The reality sinks in slowly, as if I'm dying in quick sand, awaiting my fate, as I frantically skim the room for any traces of my sister. I need her. Now.

"Lola?! Where's Lola? I need her!" I yelled alarmingly.

The array of people surrounding me seemed startled at my sudden surge of adrenaline.

The plump nurse-but-not-really-a-nurse emerged in front of me and half-heartedly murmured, "I'm not sure you understand dearest, do you even know where you are?"

I was about to answer snappily when I remembered - I didn't know anything at all. I stared at her blankly.

"I'll take that as a no then.." Muttered the so-called nurse whilst rolling her eyes frustratedly.

"You see sugar pop you are currently in the Heather Heights First Aid ward." She continued matter-of-factly.

"So..I'm in a hospital?!" I said worriedly, jerking out of the uncomfortable bed I was lying in.

"No no dearest you're simply in a First Aid ward." Said the 'nurse' unwillingly.

"So I'm in a hospital." I stated, making the nurse-like woman sigh deeply.

"Yes I guess you could say that.." She said, finally giving in and deciding not to argue with me. Wise decision.

"Well, are you going to tell me what happened or...?" I said, getting straight to the point. I'm not usually this bold, but without Lola here beside me as a shield, I seem to be slowly coming out of my shell.

"Yes yes pumpkin I was just getting to that," replied the nurse lady, "you see you're sister Lola-"

"Lola?! Where is she?! Can I see her? Like, now?!" I rushed, repeatedly tapping Miss not-really-a-nurse in the shoulder impatiently.

"Well if you'd let me continue.." Huffed the fat-ish 'nurse'.

"Of course.." I grumbled quietly.

"You were found unconscious by your sister Lola in the hallway, supposedly making your way together to your dorm when apparently a hand came out of nowhere and knocked you unconscious." Finished the strange nurse in a I-don't-believe-what-was-said way.

Wait. Lola didn't mention the dead body or her mysteriously injured leg..why? I chose not to bring it up, because if Lola didn't, it must have been for a good reason.

Although I was still baffled about this death, I knew that however, or whoever, did this won't get away with it for long.

That's a promise.

Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! Please remember to comment what you think (good or constructive criticism, but no hate please) and vote if you like my story!
~ Lisa ;)

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