Chapter 106- Love And BETRAYAL

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"I thought you were undressing me?" I ask and a smile appears on his face. "Well I wouldn't want to disappoint you now would I" he says pulling me him. I giggle as his hands run down my body. "You know you're the first girl I've ever had sleep in my room here" he says against me neck as one hand unzips my dress. He quickly pulls my dress down and lifts me of the ground. He lays me gently on the bed and smiles.

"I must be a very good boy" he says as he flicks off my heels and his lips move along my leg towards my thigh. "Very good" I mumble as he strokes me. He hovers over me and kisses my lips franticly.

"Cris" I say as his hands run over my body. "Sex now. Talk later" he says. "Cris" I say strongly and he move of me and lays beside me. "What's the matter?" he asks stroking the side of my face. I roll onto my side and face him. "What you said downstairs?" I say. "I was just singing a song" he says and kisses my nose. We talked about a lot downstairs yet he knew what I was referring to.

"Cris" I say and he he lays onto his back moving his hand over his eyes. "It didn't feel like you were just singing" I say; "What if I was?" he says. "Then I think that I wouldn't like it" I say and his hand drops from his face.

He sits up and looks down at me.

"What if I said a guy could easily fall in love with you. What if I said that it's not just his family that love you. What if I said that I love you Lucy" he says and wipes a tear off my cheek. "I'd say that I love you too" I say fighting back tears and he kisses me. "I love you so much" he says as our kiss intensives. "First and only girl in this bed" I say. "The only girl for me" he says smiling.

"Lucy lets go. We'll be late" he shouts as I come down the stairs. "I'm coming" I groan. "I told you that you wouldn't like this early start" he says. "Ya ya" I say as he takes my suitcase. "We need to go" he says as I move to the kitchen. "I'm just leaving your mother a letter" I say placing the letter on the kitchen counter. "What did you write?" he asks. "Just saying that I was sorry to miss her and that I'll see her again soon. And that her son is the most amazing man" I say.

"You ready to go?" he asks. "Back to reality" I say and he nods. "Thank you for this weekend" I say. "Say it again" he smiles taking me in his arms. "Thank you for this weekend" I smirk. "You know what I meant" he says. "I love you" I say. "I love you too Lucy Smith" he grins.

"Hello Marcosa. Did you miss us?" I ask as the dog jumps up and down on me as we walk through the doors of Cris's house. "She's probably sick of Nuno not giving her attention" Cris says as we walk towards the living room. "You certainly brightened up since this morning" he says. "Well I had a very enjoyable plane journey" I grin kissing his cheek.

"Enjoy that happy moment cos it won't last long" I hear Nuno say as he walks down the stairs. "What are you doing up so early. I thought you had plans last night?" Cris asks. "I did. But then I had a visitor arrive" he says. "Who?" I ask. "Am I missing the party?" a voice asks from the stairs.

"Great" I hear Cris mumble. "Did you have a nice time in Madeira?" Hugo asks as he walks to the couch. "It was wonderful. I can see why your brother likes it so much" I say. "I often find it hard to understand why my brother likes certain stuff or people" he smirks. "That's it" Cris yells and I pull him back. "You have to get ready for training and I have to get ready for work. Let's go unpack" I say and he storms up the stairs.

"I'm glad you have fun in Madeira. It's such a shame you won't be visiting again" Hugo says as I climb the stairs.

"I don't give a shit what you think of me. But your brother cares about you. Grow up and act like the big brother he used to respect before you drive him away for good" I say and head upstairs.

"The nerve of him" Cris mutters to himself as he throws his shoes across the room. "Cris" I say. "Don't even think of telling me to ignore him" he says. "Ok I won't. But please don't leave Hugo ruin how happy you were a few minutes ago" I say. He sighs. "I have you so I'm always going to be happy" he says.

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