Part 1

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1. Announcement-

This my not seem like a big deal- but it can be hard to tell everyone in the family that we're dropping everything and taking an RV out to the middle of the woods for fun. My advice is to gather everyone around for a family meeting and tell them all at once.


Jeff: * Puts both hands up* WE'RE GOING ON A CAMPING TRIP!!!!! * Jazz Hands*

everyone stays quiet for a few seconds*

Lost silver: Can I bring Hurry?

Jeff: Yes

Lost silver: Can I bring my Celebi?

Jeff: yes

Lost silver: Can I bring my DS?

Jeff: Nope! :)

Lost silver: * twiches* I don't wanna go..

Jeff: Oh COME ON! This'll be GREAT! campfires, fishing, scary stories, bear wrestling, lo-

Eyeless Jack: Bear wrestling?

Jeff: my point is that we're losing touch and we don't get outside enough. I want this to be a family bonding expirience.

Masky: 1, we all live in the same house, and we talk and text one another all the time. 2, we literally always go outside.

Jeff: * stares silently* we're going camping

Everyone else: NO!


2. Packing, every family has trouble deciding what to pack or what to carry. But there's usually a few necessities every family takes with them no matter what.


Jeff: ok, lets see.... spare hoodie? check. Knife? check. Spare knife? check. emergency ball gag? check. * closes suit case* I'm ready :)


Sally: Hmm.. Ok, Teddy? * Holds up bear and slightly deepens voice*

Teddy: Yes?

Sally: Do we have everything?

Teddy: Hmmm.. * Sally scans him over the suit case filled with gumballs and lollipops*.... Did we pack you a spare dress?

Sally: who needs a dress when we had a BE-DAZZLER! * holds up pink glittery toy be-dazzler*


Laughing Jack: Hey, thanks for helping me pack Helen,

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: No problem L.J, so anything else?

Laughing Jack: *thinks* umm.. we- Oh! I forgot about my make-up kit! * runs into bathroom*

Bloody painter/ Helen Otis: Yep, we're normal :)


3. The night before the trip. This is usually a stressful time where kids are too excited to go to bed and there's ALWAYS some kind of last minute scramble. In case there's any packing left to do, you should set your alarm clock to at least an hour before the time of your planned departure.


Ticci Toby: So when are we waking up?

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