24 Hours

484 22 8

Let me tell you the tale,
of the day the Devil was brought up from Hell..
The earth had become so corrupt,
even the Angels had given up..
Greedy, selfish, and hateful,
man wrapped his arms around sin..
No sorrow,
nor remorse,
for those crushed by their self-entitlement..
So the Heavens got tired,
and let the Devil have his day..
Twenty-four hours was granted,
to collect as many souls as he may..
The gates of Hell then did open,
with his army he did stand..
Smiling in delight,
his voice carrying to every demon,
under his command..
"Kill everyone,
every last sinner be damned!"
With that,
forward went his army,
slaughtering all the sinners of man..
The innocent left untouched,
barring witness to what took place..
Before the sun began to rise,
the Devil and his army was
stepping back behind the gates..
Looking toward the Heavens,
parting words he then did state,
will always determine mans true fate!"

- C. Pantoja

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