First day in school

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So guys im feeling motivated so heres a chapter....

Alice's POV
I do like him When we were kids but.....,
Keyword "when" so i dont like him now i called of our engagement
He told me he has a girl he love already i was alright about it i wish they have a good life so....
Lets get on the story okay
It s my first day and i am wearing my special uniform that is made specially for me
It looks like on the top^^^^^^^^
I walk in my class and the teacher introduced me
Class we have a very special student with us i think you know her
Alice-sama please join the group A
Very well i shall. I replied
I am listening to what my teachers instructions she said.
You will make your own recipe of a cake any type of cake will do
Maybe i will make my dream cake i know i can make it now without flaws
I started by getting my stuff and start making the cake

Time skip

I presented my cake

The teacher graded it by looks then starts to taste it My such a delicous cake im honoured to taste your creation alice samaO please! Dont flatter me to much mam

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The teacher graded it by looks then starts to taste it
My such a delicous cake im honoured to taste your creation alice sama
O please! Dont flatter me to much mam..
Everyones allowed to taste it.i said
Please excuse me mam i got a business emergency you dont mind right?. I ask
No not at all please go to it immediatly

Ooooohhh what happened whats this emergency about and did you like the cake?

My Own Wonderland (Alice Felix X Yumeiro Patissiere)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang