end of party....and da crazy is here

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Nicole's p.o.v

So the party ended at 2:30am and I am so fucking sleep and Mike had to many drinks so his up in my room sleep. I waited for everyone to go home. My girls was staying here in the guess rooms, b4 we went to sleep we cleaned up and was done at about 4am. I went and take a hot bath, then I heard a knock on the bathroom door b4 I could get up the door open and it was Mike coming in to use it.

"Mike baby I'm in here," I told him.

"My bad baby but I had to piss," he said still haft sleep. B4 I knew it Mike was about to get in the tub with me. I just looked at his sexy body.

"Baby what are you doing?" I said a little lost because he is half sleep.

"Getting in the tub with you so that we can do what we was doing b4 your friends came in your room," he said looking me in my eyes.

"You had to much to drink baby, but you can still get in but we not doing nothing now." I told him.

"Okay baby its cool." He said and got in the tub and he held me and washed my back and I washed his.

"I love u Mike." I told him kissing him.

"I love u too Nicole." He said kissing me back.

We got out the tub and put on some pj's. I know its almost 5am. We got in bed we went sleep in each others arms.


Mike's p.o.v

I got up to see that I was in Nicole's room and she was in my arms just the way I like it. As I was about to get up Nicole was looking at me with her big gray and brown eyes.

"Hay sexy lady." I told her.

"Hey baby. How did you sleep?" She asked me in her sexy voice.

"I sleep good baby. Waking up to you is the best ever." I said to her and I kissed her and she kissed me back.

"Baby I love waking up to u to." She said and keep kissing. B4 she got up to go to the bathroom. Man this girl drives me crazy I love her so much.

I stayed in the bed until she came back in the room.


Nicole's p.o.v.

He so fine when he wakes up. I came out the bathroom and he was still in bed.

"Baby you want something to eat or do want to go out to eat with me and the girls and their dudes?" I asked and he just looked at me.

"I want to stay in and cook for you. If that's cool with you baby." He asked.

"Its cool with me baby." I told him. He got up out the bed and went to the bathroom. I went to go and wake the girls to let them know that me and Mike was staying home. I went in the room and the girls was still sleep.

"Octavia all get up." I told them as I was jumping up and down on the bed. They all looked at me as if I was crazy lol.

"Girl you a little to happy." Maddy said

"Yeah Mike gave her some of that good lol." Said Navia.

"Hahaha that shit ain't funny." I told them, "But anyway I ain't come in here for that, me and Mike staying in today y'all can go and get something to eat without us." I said and walked out. I went down to the kitchen and Mike was cooking, all I was thinking I got a man that knows how to cook I hope its good lol. I sat at the table looking at my man cook when the girl walked in.

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