Chapter One

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"Astoria Marie Huntington, for the final time, I am NOT changing my mind. You cannot attend. End of discussion."

My grey eyes narrowed at Warner as he used his Alpha tone on me, hardening the normal swirl of light grey into steel. He didn't usually use it with me, only when he was extremely angry, or if we were in a dangerous situation AKA big brother mode. Today it was due to his anger, which was evident in his darkened moss green eyes and creased brow.

I got up from my position on the leather chair and turned with anger out of his study, slamming the door behind me. I stomped down the hall and out the front door, my eyes intent on my destination: the dark, abundant forest that encroached the edge of the pack house lawn.

As I entered the first few straggles of trees, I turned and stripped off my clothes, but not before making sure no one was watching, a lesson I'd learned the hard way with my brother's pervy friends hanging around in their younger years. Quickly stashing them behind a tree, I shifted into my wolf.

I stretched my forelegs before tearing off through the trees, my nails clawing up the soil that smelled like fresh rain. I pushed myself farther, the trees whipping by in green and brown foliage blurs.

Who was he to tell me I couldn't go? I was the pack Warrior, the Alpha's daughter, and his sister! I couldn't believe this! But due to Warner being future Alpha, he thought it was in his place to tell me I couldn't go. Egotistic ass.

Why did it have to be the Silverbane pack? Why couldn't they have left us alone instead of investigating rogue attacks? And who did they think they were, controlling half of the damn hemisphere? As if that wasn't bad enough, they had to have the largest pack population, and all the fiercely and famously known pack warriors. What happened to democracy? Then again, in wolf hierarchy it was all natural selection, the fittest are who survive, and apparently, who rule.

My brother had just stupidly told me AGAIN that I wasn't allowed to go to the Alpha and Beta pack meeting when Silverbane arrived in one days time. It wasn't like I liked Silverbane, damn idiots. They kept taking over others packs and taking control of their members, they had for years. They had a shockingly large amount of land and they abused it. They were a fierce pack, bloody and war raged. And they expected to just waltz in here and patrol the perimeter and then possibly take over our pack? What the hell was Warner thinking?

It raised my blood to a simmering boil, but I tried to focus on the rhythmic beating of my paws on the hard packed forest floor. I didn't know how far I had run, but decided to head back. I would be calmed down enough by then.

I suddenly froze as I checked my surroundings. I was not on my brother's territory, but for some reason I had not felt the transfer from familiar to foreign land. Were the boundary lines not working? Was that even possible?

Oh shit. That meant.....I was on Valkyrian territory. My brother was going to kill me, that is, if they didn't get to me first.

I heard a low growl and slowly raised my head to stare into a set of startling electric blue eyes. I yipped, startled, and pranced back a few steps. I took in the jet black, silky furred wolf that loomed dominantly over my smaller form. It was massive, at least sixty pounds bigger than a normal wolf. It was obvious by it's size that it was male and an Alpha, Alphas tended to be larger than the average male wolf. He was the kind of size which, despite my Alpha blood, had me wanting to tuck my tail and bow my head in respect. But being the stubborn idiot that I am, I did neither and chose instead to meet his gaze straight on and somewhat defiantly.


The wolf growled lowly, not challengingly but more of a 'put me in my place' sort of way that Warner often used. The echo of the growl reverberated through the forest and oddly made me weak at my knees. It was such an attractive growl, one that I wouldn't mind hearing again, though with him in a completely different position. I growled, but it was directed at my hormonal thoughts and not the wolf. My eyes widened as the wolf took a step towards me and I skipped back a step. He took another and that was my cue to take off at full speed.

I tried my best to navigate the foreign territory as I heard the paw pads of the wolf hitting the ground close behind. He was gaining on me.

I felt the territory line coming up and sped up. Logically due to my smaller size and build I would be quicker as well as more nimble.

Logic apparently wasn't on my side.

I was suddenly tackled to the ground, but it was a gentle tackle and it reminded me of when my brother and I used to wrestle as wolves when we were younger before he had to mature as an Alpha.

I was now on my back, with the black wolf standing over me. This was one of the most common submission positions, with the tummy bared up to the dominant wolf. I couldn't help but think that this was also a common position for mating. As I looked up, I now saw that the wolf's eyes were now a pitch black that matched his obsidian fur.

I lay frozen on my back as he bent down towards me. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest but it was traitorously due to the fact that he was so close rather than the threat he imposed.

I watched as he lowered his head into the side of my neck, rubbing against it sensually. My wolf was screaming inside me, clawing to be let out. Unsure of her motives, I let loose a little on her, which I immediately regretted as a low purr came out of my muzzle. What the heck? I'm not a cat! I reigned her back in and sent her on lock down mode, internally screaming at her to shut the hell up with her whorish behavior. The wolf pulled back to meet my eyes and I swear that if he was in human form he would be smirking.

I suddenly realized what I was doing. Practically dry humping a random werewolf that I didn't know, in his territory, alone. The ingredients sounded like the bad beginning of a kidnapping story.

I suddenly sprang up and pushed for the boundary line, which was just in sight. I think the only reason I got out of his hold and across was due to shock and surprise.

I turned my head to glance back as I made it over, and saw that the wolf was following but had halted at the line. He growled long and low, fixing me with a look that screamed 'get back over here right now' and that I longed to obey. My paws moved forward a bit before I came to my senses.

What was I even saying? I barely knew this wolf and I never took orders well.

I turned back and hightailed (haha) it out of there, flying faster than I had when I was mad, which seemed impossible. I could hear anguished howls behind me, and I felt my heart pull forlornly.

When I came to the tree where I had stashed my clothes earlier, I hurriedly pulled them on and bounded quickly into the pack house, making sure to lock the deadbolt, chain, and doorknob behind me. I leaned against the door, catching my breath as my chest heaved up and down.

I had just trespassed onto the Valkyrian boundaries and ran from their Alpha.

What had I done?

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New story because I'm bored and don't have a life. Vote for next.

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