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Trifecta of Heros
* Johnny Apple Weedseed*- the Reluctant Hero: an aspiring young adult with his own dreams and plans for his future, struggling to accept the epic nature of his newly discovered Quest
*(pronounced wEdsEd, according to Grandpappy)

* Kaya - the Fallen Hero: Jaded BarWench at the Township Tavern, she is a hopeful romantic interest... but currently in the Friend Zone

* unao nym - the Catalyst Hero: a pure, innocent, mute girl of stunning beauty, without a name, (nickname given to her by the EdgeFolk who welcomed her), she tries not touch anyone because she (secretly) wields the painfully transformative power to magically induce deep catharsis on contact

Trifecta of Friends
* Greg- brother-in-law to Johnny, originally from The Interior, has been accepted as FontrierFolk these past 3 years

* Bailey- Greg's wife, half-sister to Johnny, and his best friend since childhood

* Harold the Herald - Township's NewsCryer and PostMaster, and part-time amateur sleuth

The Trifecta of Mentors
* Enkai Ceres- The Observer, the clandestine Mentor of Shadow, her names mean: "that which began the earth" (derived from ancient Maasai Mythology), and "To Grow" (derived from the Roman Goddess)

* Efendi Bohdi- The Guru, the overt Mentor of Light, his names mean: "Lord Defender" (derived from Arabic), "Light of Awakening" (derived from ancient Sanskrit)

* Grandpappy - the Ghost, the deceased Mentor of Spirit, which must reside at the boundary between the two, his true name is unknown

The Trifecta of Allies
* Ogun Smith- Weapons Maker and Metallurgist, name means "the fiery One" (derived from ancient Yoruba Mythology)

* Khumba Aria- Kitehawk Trainer and Naturalist, name means "god of the sky" (derived from the ancient Elamite)

* Emesh Copia- Cultivator, name means "god of growth and abundance" (derived from the ancient Sumerian)

The Trifecta Chorus of Fools - The LocalYokals
* Bill, his brother Darrell and his other brother Darrell

* Phill, his brother Pharrel and his other brother Farrel

* Jill, her sisters Merryl and Scherryl

3 sets of triplet siblings from different Townships and different mothers, all rumored to have all been Sired by the same notorious philanderer and traveling Merchant Trader known as Jack the Knife

The Trifecta of Tricksters - The 3 Strangers

* Stranger 1
* Stranger 2
* Stranger 3

The Trifecta of Threshold Guardians
* Kaska Shakti- Township Elder & the Council of Elders, names mean- "Great Nation", "Divine Mother" (derived from pre-Hittite and Sanskrit mythology)

* Custos Assisi - County Sheriff & the Deputies of Law, (derived from St. Francis of Assisi and his use of the term "Custos" meaning "Guardian of Faith"

* Ash Yagdrasi- The EdgeWatcher & the Agents of Growth (derived from the ancient Norse, Yggdrisil)

Trifecta of Political Powers
* The Order of Preservers
* Citizens Union of the Interior
* FonteerFolk FreeMen Circle

The Trifecta of Social Classes
* The CitiTownFolk - Citizens of The Interior who have never really ventured beyond The Pale, and Residents Townships along The Pale and fringes of The Interior that never really venture out of their home Township

* The FrontierFolk - residents of Homesteads and Outposts that lay in the wilderness in between the Townships along The Pale

* The EdgeFolk - residents of Homesteads and Outposts that lay out beyond the Pale right up on the very edge of The Edge

The Trifecta of Shadows
* Umbra (derived from Latin)
* Ombra (derived from Italian)
* Imbra (variant on above)

The Trifecta of Shapeshifters
* Mot Mononym - the One and Only Death, takes many shapes, but only one true Name (Mot - ancient Ugaritic God of Death and Latin for person using only one name)

* Kali Polynym - the Seductress of Life, has many names, but only one true Shape (Kali - ancient Hind: Goddess of Destruction ; and Latin for person using many names)

* Aeternunym - the Enduring Child, a mute boy with the eternal name (derived from the Latin "Puer Aeternus")

The Trifecta of Enemies
* Culluchthon (derived from ancient Greek "all things pertaining to the Underworld", and the post-modern analytical psychology use of the term to mean"the spirit of nature within; the unconscious earthly impulses of the Self, that is one's material depths")

* Allochthon (derived from ancient Greek as above, and the structural Geology use of the term to mean " a large block of rock which has been moved from its original site of formation")

* Xibalbachthon (derived from the ancient Mayan- Place of Ultimate Fear)

The Trifecta of Guardians of the Galactic Gates
* Bukura (derived from Albanian Mythology)
* Gemaru (derived from Japanese Pop-Mythos)
* Metnal (ancient Maya mythology)

The Trifecta of Minor Gods
*DejaVue- Goddess of dancing and all things naughty & scintilating
*Geoffeerey- the god of bisquits and adolesence (Why? Because both must RAISE to the occasion)
*Valeria- the Goddess of Ladies Hair-Does and all things tiney and adorable

Trifecta of Supreme Gods
* Mother Musaia - The Womb of all Life (derived from ancient Greek for Muse (Mousai) and Gaia)
* Father Ekutsurah - The Seed of all Life (derived from two Hindu names for the Sun God)
* Brother Aemishtada - The Bestower of the Desired Object of Life (derived from a third name for the Hindu Sun God)

And a wide & diverse cast of similar Enlightened Ones from throughout history as meta-Conciousness Entities.as new slate of old gods imaiginary

Cast of Character Required

Cast of  Actors Characters Of the Broadway Production :

Johnny Apple Weedseed - the Reluctant Hero 


Kaya Birdsong Huntsman III - the Fallen Hero 


Third character in the love triangle - the Rival for Kaya's affection


Other potential characters could include:

Johnny's friends and allies who support him in his quest and love lifeKaya's coworkers at the tavern and other love interestsThe other guy's friends and associates who may or may not be loyal to him in the love triangle.

The Many Adventures of Johny Apple WeedseedWhere stories live. Discover now