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I woke up cold and in the dark. There was a little bit of light shinning from the window. I got up to get some water but when I turned the handle it wouldn't open. It's locked? How can it be locked? I don't have a lock on my door... Suddenly I heard someone coming closer to the door. I ran over to the first thing I saw witch was a closet. I closed the door all the way and got down. The door of the bedroom opened and the light turned on. I could see a little bit, not much though.

"May, where are you?" I heard a soft voice whisper. The voice sounded like a mans.

I covered my mouth so he couldn't hear my breathing.

"Don't hide from me may, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said a little louder.

He came closer to the closet door. My heart was beating rapidly. Oh god, please don't let him open the door. Please please please. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the closet. I looked up to see a man around my age smile.

"There you are may." He smiled. "Why where you hiding?" He asked.

"Wh....who are you? What d..do you w..want?" I stuttered trying to get the words out.

He smiled and grabbed my arm. He pulled me out of the closet. I was on the floor. He went and sat on the bed I was laying on. He patted next to him gesturing for me to sit. I got up and sat next to him.

"May, why are you crying?" He asked. I Didn't know that I was crying until a warm tear fell from my eye onto my cheek. I stared at him. He had a handsome white smile and brown hair. He looked well built and his eyes looked like the ocean. He was handsome. He then smiled.

"May it's not nice to stare." He laughed.

I quickly looked down.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" I questioned him. His smile dropped, and he stared at me. I could feel it.

"May... I'm." He hesitated for a minute. "Zack." He finally said. "And you are home."

When he said those words it sent a shiver up my spine. I looked up at him.

"What do you mean home?" This is not my home, I don't have a lock on my door at home." He looked upset when I said that. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Umm this is our home, honey. And you have a lock to protect you." He said looking away.

"Zack...what do you mean our home? I wanna go to my home. Please take me home."

He looked back at me with anger. I could tell that that he was very angry, he was just holding it in for me. He got up and walked over to the door.

"May, this is our home. We are going to stay together. Your mine and no one else's. You are home." He turned away. "You should get some sleep." He said before he walked out of the room and locked the door.

I was so confused and angry. I ran over to the door and jiggled the handle.

"Let me out!!!" I screamed. "TAKE ME HOME!!!" I screamed even louder. There was more warm tears coming from my eyes. This couldn't be happening. This has to be a nightmare. I will wake up and this will all be over.

"PLEASE!!!" My eye sight was blurry. "I just want to go home." I whispered.

I fell to the ground. Thinking, trying to convince myself this isn't true. It couldn't be. But what if it was? Who would notice I'm gone? Who will call the cops or file a missing persons report? I have no one besides my friend and her brother. Oh god if this isn't a dream please... Have someone notice I'm missing. The room was dark. I laid on the floor, my eyes shutting. I couldn't fall asleep I had to get out. But before I could do anything my body gave out.

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