Chapter 6 : Mountain Fight I

Start from the beginning

The wolf suddenly stopped in front of me. Its eyes full of fears. Why? didn't it come to kill me? Just like it kill others? 

"Ugh!" I hold my head and shut my eyes tightly. I felt dizzy. 

Zapppp . A vision come into my head.

The wolf. The vision showed that wolf entire life. It once had a master, but then the master died here in this pit, because someone killed him. No, the cannibals killed him. This wolf wanted to revenge. But then, this wolf is no match to those cannibals. The cannibals though that the wolf had dead, so they threw this wolf into the pit. Then, there you go, the wolf survived.

I reach out my hand to the wolf's blue jewel. I closed my eyes. Then, a sign showed on my palm. A crescent moon sign. Wow. I tamed this wolf. wowwww!!

I get on Uruk's back (I named the wolf Uruk) . Uruk seems to understand me then he start to run. Uruk run towards a hole. I think Uruk is the one who dig this hole. I hold Uruk's neck tightly. I don't want to fall again and break my bones. I shut my eyes, Im scared!!

"Yukieee!!" Huh? Hansol's voice. I open my eyes. Hansol help me down from Uruk's back. 

"Oh Yukie I am so worried about you. Are you okey?" Hansol checking on my leg. He treats my injuries and my sprain ankle. 



"Hansol, we need to hurry, I am worried with Master Oh safety. We waste too much time here." My voice break the shallow night awkwardness. Oh yes, its night. And we in the middle of a scary mountain. Is that a good or bad news? 

"You're right." Hansol get up and walk towards a bunch of firewood. He put up the fire. I can feel the warmth. "Sleep first. We leave tomorrow at first light." I shook my head and close my eyes. Well, to be honest, I really didn't want to sleep because I feel really scared, who knows when will those heartless cannibals will find us. Right? But, with my mighty knight besides me, and my new comrade, Uruk, I feel safe and sound. I feel that I can rely on them somehow. There you go, I sleep soundly through the night. 



I wake up to my own alarm. I wonder why Hansol didn't wake me up. To my shock, Hansol is not there when I woke up. 

"Hansol? Hansol where are you?!?" Its morning, it even past the first light. I think it almost noon, because I can see the sun very well. I though Hansol told me yesterday that we were going to start our journey at first light. But where is him now? I panicked. I get up, I wander around the campground trying to find Hansol and Uruk. Wait? what? Uruk is gone too??

I wander endlessly around the campground with my half torn dress, the long dress has become short because it tear up when I was falling down. I also have scratch all over my body. Oh why! I should change into something more covered up before going to an adventure! Silly me! 

I walk into the woods a little deep. 

I heard the bushes moves.

Whats that?

Something lurking behind me.

I can sense it.




I turn around and find a very huge human man. Or can I call him cannibal?

The cannibal jump towards me. I run. Running aimlessly. Forward! Forward! That is all in my mind. Run away from the cannibal is my priority.

I am really in a terrible terror now. Oh god, where is Hansol?!

I can't feel my leg anymore. I run with my bare foot. That's super duper hurt man. The ground is so hard until I slid into a mud and fall to a river. Ugh again. I am lucky that the river didn't have much stones, so, it didn't hurt so bad. But, I only realize that I can't be so lucky. Waterfall. Yes, a waterfall. 

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I try to swim back to the ground, but the waves really strong. I being push back.

"HANSOL!! URUK!!" I scream as loud as I can that I can even see the birds flew away because of my voice. 

Ohh I will fall any second now!

Something fly above my head and grab my hand. 

"Hansol!" He didn't say a single word. 

Hansol looked down and said "This is my power, I can tame a bird, and fly with them." with a very charming smile. Every girl in this world suppose to fall for this super charming smile. 

I blush.

"You have a fever?" Hansol ask with a worried face. 

Hansol, he can be very attractive and charming yet so handsome, but he didn't know, how's girl's heart work. hahaha, a very interesting guy he is. I smile at him.

"Maybe. Can you treat me?"

"Of course!" Hansol smile the brightest smile ever. haha xD

Ops! I seem to forgot about Master Oh often with this guy. lolol time to get serious!

---------------- A few minutes later------------------

We landed safely. A little bit far from our campground I think. Uruk is there too. 

"First, I am sorry for not waking you up. I went somewhere with Uruk to get the information about the cannibals here." Hansol starts up a conversation.

"Where were you?"

"At their hideout."

"So how?"


"Hansol?" His face look troubled. 

"I don't think we only need to save Master Oh. There are a bunch of people there. They were locked in a cage. All the cannibals are huge." 

"Well, it may be not a problem for me to kill all the cannibals, because you know, I live longer than I should, so fighting and killing is not a big deal for me.. In other words, you know I am a knight, so these things are not a big fuss for me, but.."

"But?" I ask.

"I can't. The rules say I can't kill those who are not from my world.. or I'll get a severe punishment, or should I said, dead sentence?" 

I am so shock to hear that news.

"In simpler words, I can't do the killing in human world. That's a rule, for knights."

Oh no! Without Hansol? What else can I do? So that's mean that I need to do the killing alone? That ridiculous!!

"But Yukie. I will protect you. Even it will cost me my life."

I blush. again.


**Sorry for the late update guys!**

**I'll update the next chapter very soon!**

Vote and comment thank you :>

**I changed the swordmaster's name! sorry!!**

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