Alternative Ending

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-Alternative Ending-

The sound of the door opening made me divert my attention towards the doctor who walked out. I hurriedly sprinted towards her and let out a breathless sigh. "Doc, how's my girlfriend?" I asked desperately.

Emily and Maya stood right behind me, looking impatiently at the doctor as Damon who had Alyssa in her arms, slowly trotted his way towards us. Apprehension was being radiated from all of us, as the pace of my heartbeats was slowly yet incessantly rising due to all the suspense and anxiety.

A small smile spread across her face as she took her hands in mine and gave it a slight squeeze, "She made it through the surgery, Mr. Evans. But she is unconscious, currently. The anesthesia will be out of her system in a few hours. You guys can relax." The doc said, put her hand on my shoulder in reassurance as she walked past us.

My shoulders slumped down as realization hit me and all the anxiety evaporated into thin air. I heaved out a sigh of relief, so did the others. Tears of relief rolled down my cheek as I fell down to my knees and closed my eyes. She's fine. She's absolutely fine. The heaviness of my heart faded away as I felt the girls lift me up by arms and wrapped themselves around me, as they too, cried out in mirth, "She's gonna be alright. Grace is gonna be fine." Emily squeaked, as her eyes were filled with tears of joy which made my suit wet.

"You guys should head home; I'll call you all when she's up." I said, wiping the tears near the brim of my eyes. I turned towards Damon and carefully took Alyssa in my arms, whose fists were balled up tight and eyes shut, as her chest rose and fell slowly. I smiled down at my daughter and tenderly kissed her forehead. "Damon," I said, lifting my gaze towards him who was uncertain about leaving me alone. "Go home. We will be fine." I assured him. He wordlessly nodded his head and gave me a handshake as he smiled one last time and turned around. The three walked in the opposite direction, waving at me one last time before they disappeared out of my sight.

I walked over to Grace's room and through the windows, my eyes landed on her sleeping figure. Her body was attached by different wires to the machines that were supporting her, that were keeping a track on heart rate. A smile grew on my face, as my eyes were fixated on the person who owned my heart. Even though her eyes were closed, even if her eyes were not fixated on me, even if she was not in my arms, I was happy. I was happy about the fact that it is not long enough before I'd have both my girls in my arms, the two women I love the most with all my heart.


Grace's POV:

I could feel heaviness over my eyelids. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. I was trapped within my own body. Panic struck me as I tried moving my limbs, but nothing. All of a sudden, my eyes fluttered open and I could move my hand. My fingers touched something soft and silky, making me turn my eyes towards it. My breathing became heavy as my hand landed on Blake's face, who sleeping soundly on the chair, his head rested on the bed.

Suddenly, blurry images flashed across my eyes; the ones when I was hit by the car, when the boy was looking down at me horror before ran to his car and drove away, when Blake had me in his arms and was crying to me to stay awake. In an instant, all the serenity was washed away and clouds of apprehension surrounded me. My hands, in an instinct, made their way towards my stomach but she was gone. My lips began quivering in trepidation. "Aly..Alyssa." I whispered.

Blake, who was asleep a few moments ago, was up, as he looked at me with a huge grin on his face, "Grace? Oh, my god, you're up." He merrily hollered. He took my hand in his and kissed the back of it, before kissing my forehead. He cupped my cheeks as he looked at me lovingly.

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