"And what else, what?" April sighs, all put out for effect.

"What was his face like?" May inquires sweetly.

"It was whatever." April shrugs into her sister's shoulder. "So he has long loser no-style hair, that he wears pulled up. Into what I can only assume is a moppy looking lame hipster brony tail thing. It looks strawberry blonde, but more strawberry than blonde, darker on the roots and lighter on the ends. Not that it helps you in any way to know that particular detail obviously."

"Oh, obviously." May retorts back dryly.

"He's pretty suntanned, with a clear complexion and a dappling of freckles across high cheekbones. Strong square jaw that you can't help but to want to punch shut. A straight Scandinavian nose, that I wouldn't mind breaking with a ballpin hammer. Oh, and he tends to knife up his left eyebrow when he talks. Especially when he thinks he's being clever or whatever. Which he is sofa king not..."

"So your need for violence aside, what's the most remarkable thing about him?" May pushes the point.

"His eyes ...most definitely his eyes." April pauses and May can hear the frown in her voice. "His eyes are set in deep under that boney brow, that looks like they're in a constant scowling mode. His eyes are green but not like grass green, more like dark, stormy deep sea green." 

"But it's not the color that strikes you at first, well not me anyways? I don't know what it is exactly, but there's something about his eyes that is just ...off somehow?" April drifts to find the right words for the forlorn feeling. "I know this is gonna sound totally lame? But his eyes are not soft or kind eyes. They're the kind of soulless eyes, I think those old poet people would describe as haunted or haunting whatever? Like the lights are on, but no one's home ...sept for all them ghosts."

"You're just making that up." May snortles along with her sister.

"Honestly, I am totally not." April counters back as they turn the corner to face their fears.

Suddenly her sister's finger skitters down the inside of May's arm and slows her gait down. The sensation feels just like a spider skittering across her skin, as The Spyder is one of the nicer names they call their mother.

"What is it? What is she doing?" May lowers her voice, for she knows the tactile warning all too well.

"She's parked in handicapped parking, and she's chain-smoking again. She's got that pinchy pissed off face going hardcore, like she been waiting for a while? And you know how much mommy just loves to wait for anything?" April intones hollowly. "So one of us is going to have to take the fall for being late, and making her wait."

"Crapola." May steels herself determined. "Okay, I'll take the fall. I'll just tell her it's all my fault, that I was talking to Lifeguard Darren about ...maybe taking a first-aid class? And I just lost track of time again, until you had to come and find me."

"You're so not serious with that shit right now, are you?" April hisses sideways through her tightly clenched smile. "No way in hell The Spyder is gonna buy that you're taking some first-aid class bullshit."

"Why not?" May retorts back coldly. "Who knows, just maybe that first aide stuff will save my life someday. Like the next time she decides to lose her shit and tries to murderize me by shoving me down the stairs in my sleep."

"Seriously, someone should push that bitch down some stairs one of these days, just for fun. Let's see how she likes waking up in the hospital all broken." April seethes. "God, I'd love to see Momster on a feeding tube for a while."

"Then you can blame me for that too." May intones coldly. "Oopsie, mah bad! So sorry Spyder, I didn't see you standing there on the top stair." 

"Well, they do say most deadly accidents happen right in the home." April muses brightly. "And you know what the Buddhist say, right May'may?"

"Yeah ...better luck next time, bitch." May finishes the thought darkly, and both Grimm sisters silently smirk in mutual agreement as to the dark fate that awaits.

" May finishes the thought darkly, and both Grimm sisters silently smirk in mutual agreement as to the dark fate that awaits

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