Chapter 5(19) Rouge mercies(unedited)

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"Authorization delta 3 tango, approval for experimental relocation granted!" That's all I said, I continued to stand at attention as the energy of the room shifted, lights flickered as specks of white light appeared and disappeared of their own will. Gathering on one of the medical beds the light brightened to an unbearable level and began to disperse. I had to close my eyes but I opened them as the burn subsided only to see that there was still only white lights convulsing in the air collecting in one location. A matter of minutes passed with no change and then the light died off leaving a tiger, she had golden fur with blue cascading stripes and eyes as white as milk. Exactly as Argos described her.

I put my hand out to shake her own, "Welcome aboard the Explorer, I know you have been onboard since we launched but I think it's time to make it official!"

She took my hand and shock I firmly twice before speaking, "it's a pleasure to finally meet the crew I have been living with for what seems like an eternity, there are so many things I want to talk about and now thanks to you I can speak to others again, thank you, all of you!"

Dr. Gius spoke from her office not really adding to the conversation but remaining busy with a task she had been working on for days, "she is perfectly healthy captain, though if anything unsettling happens she should return here immediately!"

I quickly agreed and went to check on Rehana, who now within a few more weeks would be put off duty until our child was at least two months old. Fortunately, she was nearby speaking to one of the nurses about a slight bout of queasiness she had earlier today. After they finished Zane, Collin, Rehana, and I gave Nirine a proper tour of the Argos Explorer.

Nirine surprised all of us with her knowledge of current science, later explaining about her work as a geneticist working towards solving food issues on long-term space exploration missions, which in the end caused the predicament in which she found herself. She refused to ruin someone else's life for her research, instead, she became the subject. Her only regret seemed to be at the expense of a fellow subject who had only been six at the time it all started, she pulled the strings that she could ensure that the kid and herself lived in an agreeable environment when she found out about him and eventually saw him as a child of her own.

When it was time for our lunch rotation, we continued to talk about her past and to my surprise, she had known two of my ancestors, Tanem "Chase" Jax and his son Anthony Jax. Her past was full of mystery and pain but we would help her and we stated that.

Nirine smiled a warm smile before she spoke, "I know this is out of place but I know you never selected a new chief science officer after Commander Ves Nerfel died so I would like to offer my services to you and the ship as at least a temporary science officer!" Not a bad idea but not a decision I could make on my own.

I returned a grin, "I will talk to my senior staff and see what they think tomorrow morning at our weekly morning conference."

"I understand, I would like to help in any way I can," Nirine stated.

Zane perked up, I caught a glimpse of pain and regret before he spoke, "you might talk with Dr. Gius, she might be able to use an extra hand down in the medical lab for the time being." I knew exactly what Zane had in mind, it might not be a bad idea to have a geneticist working with the specimen of the Racosan bio-weapon that had cost Collin his arm. Suddenly the lights in the room flashed red and a siren blared, not the best time for an attack.

Future Fur-The Racosan Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن