Chapter 10

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My senior year is flying by. Homecoming has come and gone. I'm not going to go into too much detail. I wasn't elected to homecoming court or homecoming queen. I told you I wasn't one of the popular kids and this isn't some cliche Cinderella story. My mom didn't hesitate to let me know that if I was more girlie and lost some weight, I would have made Homecoming court. This is my real life. Yes, Zayn and I went to the dance and had a fantastic time.

Volleyball season has come to an end. We finished the season having as many losses as we did wins. I did get most valuable player this year. I know, being proud of getting most valuable player and being captain of a mediocre team isn't exactly the coolest thing but I'll take it.

I did pay Trent back his brownies and lost a couple more bets with him. Honestly, I like the attention he gives me. So, I prolong paying up on my losses sometimes. He makes me laugh and is fun to talk trash with. I don't think he'd be doing it if I didn't have a catch...those brownies.

It's December and winter formal is right around the corner. I need to find a dress so Zayn can know what he's matching. He looks so good all dressed up. Who am I kidding?! He looks good in anything!

I recently applied for a job working the register and answering phones at a local motorcycle dealership. I had an interview yesterday. It would be nice to pick up some extra cash and stay busy while Zayn is working. Plus, it would keep me away from home and my mom who tends to suck the happiness out of a room by just entering it...and that's before she even opens her mouth to spit some sort of degrading comment. Man! That woman is so miserable and apparently, her misery loves company. I never want to be like her when I am her age.

I'm at the mall with my friend, Heather. Lisa graduated last year and is at college in Ohio. We still talk and I miss her so much. Heather is a lot of fun but she's always grounded so it makes hanging out with her outside of school a chore.

We take our handful of dresses into the dressing rooms and begin trying them on just as my phone goes off indicating a text. It's from Zayn.

"Did you find a dress yet or shall we just show up naked?"

"Ewwww! No way!!! I'm trying some on right now." I respond.

"Come on! Naked would be fun."

"Naked isn't formal. :P It's not happening!"

"How about after the dance?"

"Maybe. ;) Now, let me find a dress."

"You haven't found one yet? What have you been doing all this time?"

"Responding to you. :P" I smile and put the phone down.

Two minutes pass and my phone goes off again. It's Zayn.

"How about now?"

I giggle to myself in the dressing room and respond with "How about I quit shopping for dresses and shop for some patience for you? Apparently, you need that more than I need a dress!!! :P"

"Ha! Only if it's on sale. I can't wait to see what you pick out. I'll text you when I get off of work tonight. See you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you, too" I text back and put my phone back down.

"Sam! Let me see what yours looks like!" Heather hollers from the dressing room next door to me.

We step out of our rooms. She looks stunning. She's one of those girls who looks good in absolutely everything. She's pretty with a great figure. I look like the frumpy sidekick next to her.

"Oh my God! THAT is the dress!!!" Heather says to me.

"Look who's talking! That dress was made for you! Bitch!" I say only half kidding about the bitch part. I wish I could look that good in anything I put on. She could show up to school in a potato sack and look amazing.

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