Chapter 2

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Y/N's P.O.V:

I decided to go to the doctor to see what was going on with me today. I brought my best friend y/bff/n with me since I tell her everything and she wanted to come with to support me. I was in the waiting room, filling out some forms that was kind of hard. Once I was finished I handed the forms back to the woman at the front desk then sat back down. "You nervous?", y/bff/n asks. I nodded and sighed quietly, "Pretty much yeah". "Well don't be everything will be okay", she assures me. "How can you be so sure?", I asked back. "Cause it will be", she says. "I hope you're right", I said quietly. "I am", she said. Before I knew it, I was called up next.

*Timeskip To All The Question And Survey Cause Ima Lazy Ass*

"Okay, so tell you what we'll do a blood test and once the test results come back, you'll finally get the closure you wanted", the nurse tells me. I nod and exhale slowly. "Okay, but how long will it take for the results to come back?", I asked. The nurse shook her head. "Not long, maybe a couple minutes or an hour Max", she assures me. "Good, the sooner the better", I muttered. "Right", the nurse agreed.

*After The Blood Test Is Done*

"Okay well I'll have this", she motioned towards the tube with my blood in it, "Tested and we'll have the test results in no time". I looked at the bandaid that was covering where the needle was at and nodded. "Okay, great", I said and with that she left. Y/bff/n put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry girl. You're stressing over nothing most likely. You'll see". "Sure...", I muttered then buried my face into my hands. "Argh, but if I really am pregnant... I don't know what Nathan and I are gonna do... I don't even know how he's gonna react to it".

"He'll come around, he better", y/bff/n says confidently. "Easy for you to say", I say. "Stop stressing", she says. "I can't! It's too hard!", I exclaim. Just then, the same nurse from before came back into the room. "Already? Wow... That was pretty fast", I said. She chuckled, "It sure was. The results came back in rather quick that's why". I looked down at her hand to see the file with the test results and my heart begins to race.

I nod and rub my thighs anxiously. "O-Okay... So w-what do they say? Am I pregnant or not?", I asked nervously. The nurse smiled at me and said, "Congratulations you're pregnant after all". My stomach completely dropped after I heard those words come out of her mouth. "And you're 5 months along to be exact", she added. Y/bff/n looked at me with the same expression as mine. "Are.. You okay miss?", she asked me. "Yeah it's just...", I trail off. "A lot to take in?", the nurse asked. "Yeah...". "Well miss you do have options to choose from", she points out. "I know", I said.

"Well I'll leave you two girls alone to process this all", she says. I didn't say anything and I let her leave. "Y/bff/n what am I gonna do?? This could ruin everything! Plus my parents are going to freak", I blurted out. "Y/n/n (your nick name) relax okay? Everything will be fine. Nate will understand and he'll be the best dad ever. And your parents will get over it and love you no matter what and their future grandchild", y/bff/n tried to assure me. I wanted to believe her, I really did, but that seemed like it was a one in a million chance to actually happen. "Listen, I wanna believe all that y/bff/n, but I just can't okay? Let's just go home, now", I say. She just rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine, let's go". "Finally", I huffed.

I grabbed all my stuff and we headed out of the hospital. The entire car ride was silent cause I refused to say anything. I don't care if I sounded stubborn I was upset. Halfway home, y/bff/n finally broke the silence and said, "Look y/n/n, I'm real sorry about this. I know you might be scared as hell but just know that I'm here for you okay? I love you". I slightly smiled and turned to her and said, "Thanks girl, I'm sorry for the way I'm acting. I'm so glad I have you as a best friend, love you too". "Aw thanks", she says. I just chuckled and shook my head while rolling my eyes. Once we arrived in front of my house, y/bff/n looked at me and asked, "You want me to be there with you when you tell your mom and dad?". I shook my head. "Thanks, but I'll be okay by myself", I assured her. She nodded, "Okay well good luck and call me if you need anything". "Okay bye", I say and give her a side hug and she side hugs me back. "Love you girl". "Love you too!".

I jogged up the stairs to my house and walked inside while y/bff/n drove off. I checked my phone to see that I had over 24 missed calls from Nate and about 20 unread text messages. One read, "Where have u been? Y haven't u answered any of my calls? :( ". I texted him back saying, "Sorry babe :( I was just.. busy earlier :/ But... Come over later cos I got sumthin really important to tell u". He replied back, "OK? <3 u". "<3 u 2", I put. Then I walked into the kitchen to see my parents sitting there at the kitchen table drinking coffee. They smiled at me and I smiled back at them. "Hi honey", they said. "Hi guys", I said back. "Where were you? We haven't seen you all day", my mom asked. "At the hospital", I confessed. They look at me with worried expressions on their faces. "Why? What were you doing there for? Are you alright?", dad asks.

"A-Actually...", I trailed off. "What is it honey? Is it serious?", mom asks. I breathed in heavily and sat down at the table with them. "Mom, dad listen, I really don't want you guys to be mad or disappointed in me but...", I trail off again. "But?", dad pushed. "But", I continued, "I'm pregnant". My mom and dad looked at me in shock while I buried my face into my hands. They looked at each other, and then back at me. "You're... You're pregnant?", mom stuttered. Tears started to build up in my eyes and I sniffed. "Y-Yes...", I admitted. "How could this have happened?", dad asked. I looked up at dad and said. "Really?", in a duh tone. "Does Nate know about this?", mom asks. "No, you guys are the first people I told", I said. "Oh", she says. "Well do you have a plan or something yet?", dad asked. "Yes, I'm keeping it after all", I announced.

"That'll be a lot of responsibility y/n", mom tells me. "I know, but I could handle it", I assure them. "You... You guys aren't mad now? Are you's?", I asked nervously. Mom sighed, "Well it was very unexpected but I'll always be there for you. That'll never change". I smiled a little then looked at my dad. "Dad?", I asked. "Well you know that this was the last thing I wanted for you, but I'm still going to be here for you always. I love you hon", he says. I started to feel better and I smiled bigger. "Aww thanks guys. I love you too", I said. I hugged them each then walked up to my room. That went pretty well and I obviously couldn't be happier. But now, I have to tell Nate my big news. I just really hope that he feels the same way. Only time will tell I guess.

(I'm saving the gender reveal for a sweeter moment! Also, since the baby will obviously be your guys, I'll let you guys pick the gender. So comment what you guys think the baby's gender should be. And guess who will be in the next chapter?? :D)

What More Can I Give? *Michael Jackson X Reader Story*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें