Chapter 8 - Part 2

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She couldn't believe he was doing this now. He'd never been this type of guy. Vincent had obviously pissed him off good, but to want to cause her problems? How could he? He had to know she had no control over Vincent's reaction, and he saw her try to calm Vincent. It wasn't like she'd enjoyed it the way some stupid girls did who actually tried making their boyfriends jealous and fight for them. She'd never enjoy seeing Vincent as upset as he'd been today.

The coach finished, and for the life of her she could not figure out how to delete the post from her wall. At home it was easy enough, but there were so many things on her phone she couldn't do like she could on her laptop.

Vincent had a Facebook page, and though he didn't use it nearly as often as she used hers, Lorenzo did. They were friends on Facebook, too, and he often liked and even commented on her posts. Thankfully, neither of them had phones with Internet. She just prayed she'd get home in time to delete it before anyone who might get the word back to Vincent would see it.

After Rose won her second game, Sal invited everyone back to their place for a celebratory dinner. Grace had already prepared something ahead of time. All they had to do when they got home was heat it in the oven.

Vincent was still acting kind of weird on the drive back. There were too many quiet moments. She had a feeling she knew why, too. This was the first time he'd attended one of her high school games. Unlike her club games which were always on weekends, her high school games were mostly during the week. That's why he'd never been to any of them. This was one of only two high school tournaments she had scheduled on the weekend the whole season.

Her club games were different. Aside from Alison, who was also on her club team, there was no one else from school there. Rose wasn't sure if it was because of the way things had started off today and she was just being paranoid, but it seemed in every direction she turned there was a guy she knew smiling at her, just being friendly or even saying something silly. As harmless as it was since they were just school friends, Rose got the distinct feeling Vincent was bothered by it.

Because Rose and Vincent made it a point to not make their affection too obvious in front of Grace and Sal, they didn't even hold hands in front of them yet even though it was obvious something was going on between them. Why else would Vincent drive down so often to see her? They still made a very conscious decision to not let any of the adults know just how serious things had gotten for them. Rose hadn't even told Grace she was in love. They were both afraid they'd be watched even closer, or worse their time together would be cut down. So during the games while she'd continued to get attention from guys yelling out to her, she knew Vincent had been watching closely.

Today hadn't been as pleasant as most of the times she'd spent with him. She was sure it was because of the way the day had started and because she still had that damn Facebook picture on her mind.

As soon as she got home, she excused herself to go change out of her uniform in her room and told Vincent she'd take a very quick shower. He and Lorenzo went out back where everyone was already setting up to eat in the back patio.

The second she was behind her locked bedroom door, she jumped on her bed and powered up her laptop. Of course it felt like it took an eternity to start up. Her heart was beating faster, and the hurt set in even more now. She really thought Ben was her friend. She would've never thought he'd purposely put her in a position like this. It made her sad that she would probably have to not only unfriend him but block him as well. She just hoped doing so wouldn't make things get ugly.

When her computer finally powered up, her fingers typed away frantically, and she signed on to Facebook. To her surprise and enormous relief the picture and post were gone. But she had a private message from Ben. She opened it and read:

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