The End is Just the Beginning

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I hate to say this, but this will be the last chapter. It brought me to tears, thinking about it. There is not a second book. I know this sounds cheesy, but I thank all of you guys from the bottom of my heart for reading this and giving me tons of love and support!

The first story for Wattpad that I wrote was a Supernatural fan fiction. I deleted it, however, soon after I wrote the first chapter because I thought it was crap. Then, the same thing kept repeating itself with all my other stories. When I broke the news to real-life Cassie that I was writing a Walking Dead / Daryl fan fiction, she said, "Are you going to keep it this time?" And I did! I've grown so much as a writer because of you all. My future in the entertainment industry is owed to you walker killers!

If you are thinking about writing a book or a fan fiction, go for it! I never thought that I would enjoy writing. Fun fact: I was actually held back in the first grade because I was a terrible reader and writer. You never know something, until you try it. Without further ado, I present to you, the last chapter:

Karen and David laid in front of Daryl, Carol, Rick, Tyreese, and me, burnt. I tried to keep a poker face, though the aching holes of sadness screamed out inside me.

"Wait, somebody burnt them because they had the flu?" Carol wondered, but no one answered her.

"You found them like this?" Rick asked Tyreese.

"I came to see Karen." Tyreese was hypnotized by Karen's burnt flesh. "And, I saw the blood on the floor and I smelt her." He paused for a second, then he put more life into his words. "Somebody dragged them out here! They set 'em on fire!... They killed them and set 'em on fire!" Tyreese's strong and sharp movements to Rick made everyone stand on their toes. Daryl and I positioned ourselves to get ready to strike Tyreese if it was needed. "You 'a cop; you find out who did this, and you bring them to me, do you understand? You bring 'em to me."

"We'll find out-" Daryl put his hand on Tyreese's shoulder, wanting to break the eye contact of Tyreese and Rick. However, Tyreese immediately pushed him off.

"Do you need me to say it again?" Tyreese kept his stance to Rick.

Rick was back in his old position again: the group's leader. He decided it when things started to get hectic again. Yesterday, cell block 'D' got attacked overnight... by Patrick and Aubrey. Patrick died of some kind of flu, we think. Aubrey, though, Patrick turned her. Overnight, Aubrey and Patrick feasted on the sleeping. When I saw her, I didn't feel anything. Well, I made myself not feel anything. All I had to do was take all my emotions, compress them into a tiny ball, then stuff deep down. I guess that's why there's so many holes in my heart right now; they want life again. That's not going to happen. This world isn't made for life anymore. It's made for survival.

"I know what you're feelin'." Rick tried to calm him. "I've been there. You saw me there, it's dangerous."

"Karen didn't deserve this. David didn't deserve this. Nobody does."

"Alright, let's-" Daryl tried again to break the eye contact between Tyreese and Rick.

Tyreese grabbed Daryl's hand and pushed him up against the brick's, saying, "Man, I ain't goin' nowhere."

Daryl put his hands up to let Rick and I know to not intervene. He lowered them and stared Tyreese in the eyes. In a calm voice, with rasp, he said, "We're on the same side, man."

Tyreese and Daryl didn't break eye contact, while Rick said, "Look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone." I kept my hand on my knife. "We know what you're going through right now, but you- you've got to calm down." Rick tried to move Tyreese, to get him to look at him, by touching his shoulder.

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