Almost is Never Enough, A Wanted Fanfic

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I sighed as the boys jumped off of the sofa and screamed at the telly. I normally love watching footie, but not today. I was not in a good mood. There wasn't a particular reason, it was just one of those days. They hurled their profanities at the telly and ref. I was sitting on the end and Jay was next to me. As Jay was sitting down, he spilled his beer on my lap.

"Oiy mate, really?"

Jay pushed his curls out of his eyes and said, "Sorry mate, it was accident, need any help."

I shook my head and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a towel and ran it under the sink. I did my best to dab the beer out, but it wasn't working. I began to mumble very rude things about  Jay as I furiously scrubbed at my trousers. "What am I doing, " I whispered to myself, "Its not Jay's fault." I leaned against the counter and put my head in my hands. I have been so uptight and tense lately.

I headed down the hall to Max's room, in hopes of finding something else to wear. We were watching the match at his house. I heard my mobile ring in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the screen, INCOMING CALL, SCOOTER BRAUN. Clicking ignore, I shoved it into my pocket. I was so not in the mood to talk to Scooter.

I began to rummage through Max's dressers and pulled out some trackies. They looked like they would fit. My mobile began to ring again. INCOMING CALL, SCOOTER BRAUN. What does he want? I thought to myself. I ignored the buzzing and changed out of my soaked trousers. I walked back to the boys and my mobile rang again. INCOMING CALL, SCOOTER BRAUN. Really? Will this guy every give up? He left a voice-mail as I sat down next to Jay again.

In about another five minutes, he called again. "Jesus Christ, " I spat out as I stared at my phone.

"You alright, Nath?" Tom asked me, his eyes glued to the telly.

"Yeah, perfect, just wonderful," I rolled my eyes and reluctantly picked up the phone. "Hello?"


No who else would it be on Nathan's phone, of course its me!! "Yes."

"A great oppurtunity has-" The room erupted with the boy's screams. I quickly made my way to the kitchen once again.

"What's that? I didn't catch it, " I stuffed my finger in my other ear, trying to jam out the noise.

"I said, there is a wonderful opportunity that has come up. And I think you should take it."

"Okay well what is it. Do you want me to get the others?"

"No this is just for you, and I would like to meet in person with you to discuss this."

Just me, that's odd. "Alright well when are you going to be in London?"

"Next week actually, we can meet up then. Sound good?"

"Uh huh, but what is this opportunity?" He was silent on the other end. "Can I least get a clue?"

"Fine. It is a duet with an American artist."

"Really!?" My eyes grew wide as I thought of the many possibilities.

"Yes, really. I will touch base with you in about a week." I hung up the phone and stood there with my jaw on the floor. I couldn't believe this. The boys filed into the kitchen, must be halftime.

"What's up baby Nath?" Max asked as he reached into the fridge for another beer. Should I tell him? I didn't see why not because we were band and they were my best mates. But what if Scooter didn't want me to. I thought for a second and then decided to Hell with it.

"Scooter called me with an opportunity to do a DUET with an American artist, " I put on emphasize on the duet. I winced as I carefully examined their faces to see how they would react. None of them looked mad, instead they looked as happy as can be.

"Congrats Mate, " Tom slapped me on the back and took a sip from his beer.

"That's wicked, Nath. Who is it with?" Jay asked me.

"I am not sure, I paused, "but I will admit that I am pretty excited." A big goofy, childish grin broke out across my face. I really was excited to do this duet with the mystery American.

Almost is Never Enough, A Wanted FanficWhere stories live. Discover now